Steemit just reached another milestone: there are more than 800,000 of us!

in #steem7 years ago


Hi everyone!

I am always happy to bring you some great news concerning our beloved platform so here I am coming with the latest one: Steemit has just surpassed 800,000 members! As of now, there are almost 807,000 Steemians on this awesome social network! For some reason, yesterday (Friday) was one of the most successful days for Steemit with almost 18,000 new accounts created on that single day.

With these amazing numbers, I am more and more confident we will reach the coveted milestone of 1 million users by the end of this month.

The ever-increasing interest in Steemit is also one of the driving forces behind the website´s advancement in the Alexa ranking. Steemit has comfortably established in the top 1,000 websites in the world, currently sitting in the 942th position (see below).

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With all that said, I think it is just a matter of time before Steem will pump up to numbers that we all want to see.

Have a great weekend, my friends, and Steem on! :)

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

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CEO & Founder of CGH


upvote follow resteem.gif


We are close to a Million people! I can see that happening in mid 2018 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

I really believe in steemit hitting 1 million before mid of 2018. The rate at which people are registering is highly encouraging

Charles, be little more positive:).... 2 months max! Tomas

I just joined today and i am new here. It’s a really good news to hear just after enrolling here. I don’t know alot about steemit but i only know its a great place where people can change their future and life which is by earning here. Steemit will reach new heights and milestones very soon and i will be here to see it cause i am part of steem family now. I hope steemit beats every other socail media and becomes top with the most numbers of users. I like your post thank you.

Welcome to Steemit! You have made a great decision to join our wonderful community! Wishing you the best on your journey. Tomas

Woow lets go Steem hopefully it is the facebook killer! Ive been on hear for a month and am addicted for sure!

Great to hear:).....

If the account approval process become easier then steemit will rise like a rocket.I think its only a matter of time just make the account creation easy and lets watch where it goes.I am sure most of the people doesn't know about steemit.If they comes to know then it will be a revolution .Congratulations to all of you because of who steemit is going on.@upvoted and resteemed

Yep, spot on! Have a great night! Tomas

Thank's for u r reply.

Goal of millions and even more is not too small for steemit in the near future cause steemit has just started booming and it has already reached 800,000 users in so much less time. The fact that people get paid for their time and blog is which sets it apart from any other social media and blockchain sites which is sure to crowd and attract lots of people here.its fascinating and exciting to think what future holds in here and i am proud and glad to be here. This milestone stone is nothing infront of many more to come.thanks for sharing this amazing news and post.keep up the good work.

Yes, we all are lucky to be here this early on Steemit journey!

Excellent. Passing the 1 million mark in a month or two will be a good marketable milestone. :)

Absolutely! It is just around the corner.... month or two sounds just perfect!

I'm going to predict it will be on April 5th. :)

This is awesome, we are growing. I am happy to see that the world is getting to know about Steemit, I have to keep broadcasting the news so more people will join. Thanks for the information

Yep, we all need to share this wonderful place to others to make it a massive success!

We become stronger every day. First millionth user will be here in a moment!

Yep, just round the corner!

thats great and really a biggest and wonderfull news for all steemians and its really amaizing that 18000 accounts only in one daY.
i think in your last post about steemit the on alexa this global rank was over than 1000 and now its 942 is also a good growth and hope the next days will more great and we will see steemit in top 100 websites soon
thanx @czechglobalhosts for updating about steemit

We are right on the track! We will get there eventually, it's coming for sure!

We cannot find any attractiveplatfarm who give us many benefits and a bright future with any big investimentwell good to hear this excited news that steemit have now 800000 plus accounts and the friday was the best day in steemit history i sure the now time start to get more more good news like this and we sure one day steemit will be only single platfarm where whole world will stand #CZECH

Great for all of us here! We all are lucky to be here this early! The future is here and we will all benefit!

Great news! Doesn’t seem like that long ago we just breached 500k accounts.

Wao! This is wonderful. Steemit is making wave and taking the lead of users and one of the most visit site

Every time I see us go past another milestone, I am just glad too see many further ahead.

Please Upvote my post, am new

Soliciting for upvotes will definitely not get you one!!

800,000 steemians !!!!!!! Great...
Alexa ranking of is now below 950 !!
Its good news for us..

thats great to see steem family growing and soon it will be among largest

It's happening, slowly but surely! I'm finding more and more articles on Google while I'm looking for crypto info or news. Hope that we will get into new segments soon. :P

This is amazing!!! Keep them coming so we can take over!!!

Wow!!!! I

This is some good news!
The bigger, the merrier!

This is amazing, steemit is moving so fast.

Am happy to be part of the people who made up the thousands and in no time steemit will be having millions of users

Steemit growth is amazing. Let's go to 1.000.000 soon. To the moon!

That sounds great! Let's see if one day will Steemit defeat ZUCKERBOOK :D

More than 800000 users! My heart beats faster! Great information!

This is great!
I hope they are active members providing awesome content.
Thanks for sharing.

Let's make some moneeey :D It is great and i hope people will move from FB and other site's that they make sh.t lots of money on us and doesnt give us anything. Even giving us ban's and staff for saying what we want.

When the first billion?

Nice to see Steemit growing :)

right on! thx for the update :D

Wow, this is outstanding your for the platform, the number of users is growing fast ;)

While i always thank those who Herald good news sir. You really brought in news that makes the entire community happy. God bless you.

Thinking about that in my country is less than 3mln people, so Steemit is already like 1/3 of :) Not bad at all

It is just the beginning @czechglobalhosts, We are gonna break every record, and i really appriciate your efforts for making this platform rewarding and great :) and you know i was 236,423th member of this community, and i joined in july, and we have almost 6 lacks members in last 8 month, that really great. #Salute!

Dear sir, I have translated this article into Chinese. Many thanks to you!