Here is my take on it. How can we as a community grow, if only let says .2% of the population can truly make changes to the way everyone else grows?
If the community wants to have a lasting impact, we will need more people to be able to vote (where the vote matters) so that we can make more people who have good content to stay and keep posting.
In any case, the inequality may be good at the beginning and we are still around what 30k members. We need to be around 1mil members. Then maybe inequality will become a bigger problem. Thats when we will need people on deck voting all the time.
As I read somewhere, the whales are early backers of STEEM. They don't have the time maybe to sit through all the content and decide what's good, which is why a lot of good content goes unnoticed. Be honest, we all look at the trending (Which is set as the norm on the steemit website) and see how much the big post get and we read that and say how the F*CK. Anyways, that's my two cents literally.
Yes, I think in future will be able to see that problem with distribution become huge in case that the flow of new users declines.
We will not see new user declines!!!! Not like ever, but we will see tremendous growth. The problem is that we are battling behemoths on the social media platform. The word is hard to get out and from what I been reading, FB is already blocking content about STEEM!
If you know that joining new social network gives you nothing and it has less users than the old ones then you hardly will register in this new network. You have all your friends in Facebook, why would you join other network? If the only chance to get paid by new network is to appeal whales than with user amount of 100k or 1M it would be literally impossible. So there is no difference where to read (consume) interesting stuff, on Steemit or on Facebook.
How did Twitter get big when we had Facebook? How did Facebook get big when we had myspace? I am just saying that eventually people get bored of the same platform. The think about social media network is networking with people. Don't generally have to be the same people. Also, if the masses can see something useful in Steem they will join. Also, there is an incentive here (join and get $10 bucks free).
How so? There are ~7 billion people on the planet. Let us say everyone gets an account withi the next 3 years, and their cat, dog and bot too. Then you have 28 billion users. How is it going to continue growing? Breed more children? Conquer other planets?
What I meant to say is that we won't see new user declines for a very long time, but it won't be forever. :D