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RE: You shall not (leak your) pass!

in #steem8 years ago

This is kind of the thing that might as well prevent Steemit from being truly mainstream as a social media platform. Even though it tries to be safe, it's a lot easier to make a crucial mistake here than on instagram or facebook. A short look on the tag that we both use fairly frequently, #polish, is a good reminder that a big chunk of steemit userbase has literally no clue about how it works and how to protect oneself and they don't mind, they just want to blog a bit.

Nonetheless, great work, glad your username isn't saruman as things would get dark quickly.


I think, that we as a community <specially polish part, where english can be a barrier> should do everything to keep steemit as a blockchaing safe, but what's in my opinion equally important to make it as accessible and simple for user as possible.
I know, how confused new, non-technical user can be on the beginning of his journey - it was quite hard to understand for me, programmer so what can total crypto-newbie say? We should be for him someone who can follow and learn from... Someone like who Gandalf was for Frodo :) - although it was Frodo's own journey, Gandalf helped him to take the first, most important step.