I appreciate what you do man and your ability to establish connections and create communities. It is a necessity in a world where societies and communities fracture and refracture on a daily basis.
The day of the news I did an Iching reading, it's one of the many strange things I do. This one was particularly accurate and auspicious.
Dragons fight in the meadow,
Their blood is black and yellow
In the top place the dark element should yield to the light. If it attempts to maintain a position to which it is not entitled and to rule instead of serving, it draws down upon itself the anger of the strong. A struggle ensues in which it is overthrown, with injury, however, to both sides. The dragon, symbol of heaven, comes to fight the false dragon that symbolized the inflation of the earth principle. Midnight blue is the color of heaven; yellow is the color of earth. Therefore, when black and yellow blood flow, it is a sign that in this unnatural contest both primal powers suffer injury.
It is important when reading these to think of "dark and light" as "yin and yang" to have a better understanding because I think in western culture we often think of dark elements as outright evil. I casted The Receptive, the only trigram made up of all broken lines. Above I posted an interpretation of the changing line of the receptive. Changing lines often depicting the cause of question in the first place. I found the imagery to be eerily accurate. Adding to the strangness, my entire Iching question history vanished after this reading. I feel that fury and vengence will eventually give way to reason, justice, understanding and a new beginning.
Some of the commentaries on this hexagram are even more spot on, as I found the default interpretation to be a bit harsh and can be found here I recommend checking them out but just remember when the receptive is drawn: Wilhelm/Baynes: When all the lines are magnetic, it means: Lasting perseverance furthers.
Keep doing you man, keep doing what you think is right and nobody will be able to fault you.
Woah. Thats all i can say.
Ha yeah, the black & yellow got me. But the Iching is bound to hit something relevant with the essay generated from each reading XD