
Wow, I wonder what caused his changed of heart to make his content free to the world. After reading through his how to monetize blog the part that stood out for me was him doing thing "all the way or nothing".

If you do decide to generate income from your blog, then don’t be shy about it. If you’re going to put up ads, then really put up ads.

If you’re going to do this, then fully commit to it. Don’t take a half-assed approach. Either be full-assed or no-assed.

I guess after he started making large amounts of money he just realized that wasn't his main goal in life; Then took the "full assed" approach on de-montizing his blog.

Even though I dislike how money/ads can dominate and possibly ruin something that otherwise would be something amazing, It is stil hard for me to imagine doing such a thing like that at the moment because of my lack of money I own.