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RE: Justification for 104 week Power Down

in #steem9 years ago

They aren't "forced", it is the terms. They earn influence and have a vested interest in the success of the platform rather than just an immediate payout.

Why do employers pay their employees in both vesting options and salary?


They are "forced"! Did you gave them a choice between straight pay (SD/Steem) and/or Steem Power? No!
If you have done that (probably with some benefit/incentive in taking Steem Power) , I would consider this a good policy... As it is now they have no choice, but "to have vested interest"... so they are forced into being "investors" and not just writers.

They are not forced to paticipate in the platform at all. Therefore, they cannot be forced to do anything else by definition.

You mean take ot leave it kind of non-forced, you mean.
I see, very welcoming for them... ungrateful of them not to take it even.

And this is exactly how real companies compensate their executives--partly with "liquid" salary and partly with illiquid stock options and restricted stock. No executive is "forced" to get paid this way--they can always go work for another company if they don't like it.

With Steemit, we all get compensated like executives rather than minions. Those that don't like it can work somewhere else. There's no "forcing".

Executives! Yes...
But poor day to day workers we are talking here. Independent contractors is even closer than regular employees when describing the writers.
But if you all pretend to not see it, it is fine. It will simple fail due to its executives (aka you, ben above/below and all above dan) behaving all knowingly ...

They are not forced... they can choose to not write the articles... as a writer you can also choose to ignore the Steem Power, as if they were not existent... and rethink if for the SD pnly you are willing to write your stuff...

Sounds like you should get some people together, clone steem, and set different rules. Spell it backwards, call it "meets." One thing that always disappointed me about bitshares was that nobody ever created a flock of bitshare clones. There are so many parameters in steem that would be fun to toy with - I think it would be spectacularly fascinating to try it.

It must be harder than it looks to cloce a community!

They are not forced to do anything...They are not "forced" to join in at the first place!
There are some rules! Good or bad we are free to choose if we participate or not. Nobody forced anyone to join steemit. Of course that doesn't mean we will stop to make suggestions to improve steemit and make it more appealing... but that is different from making that kind of "accusations"...

They are not forced to do anything...They are not "forced" to join in at the first place!

Yes they should leave...wait their are already doing it. That's what we want them to do, right?

If it was choise on that the value vould bee 1 cent maby non value at all.

You are talking as if they were obligated to pay you! they could simply just give you the SBD and not long term investment, think of it as an extra gift! you should be thankful there is a place that actually reward us, I agree is not yet the best system but then again is just an experiment.

Maybe a "deny stake" option should be made in Steem, so you still get all Steem Dollars from posting rewards but you don't get any of the SP, which either goes poof or goes to curators.

Some of the complaining that I see in this thread and others defies logic. "Forced" To accept payment in vested Steepower? I was paid to join and so was everyone else. I've had fun learned and earned.

I will continue to try and improve my writing and networking and I am definitely here for the long haul.
I feel blessed to have had this golden opportunity handed to me on a silver platter and I plan to make the most of it!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)