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RE: Its My Birthday and I Am a 72

in #steem5 years ago

I always knew you had it in you, just had to surface, like a tadpole finally blurbing up toward the green surface, in a big old pond of other classically musical frogs. Git out there and SING, OGF. (Or instrument, whichever the case may be. Hans Zimmer, step on over. (Or hop, if the analogy is to stay true.)) Glad I can inspire, or go in some direction with my usual D-babble. And let me know when your new creation is up and running, and I'll check it out. I'm SO clueless otherwise, on this site when new things or site locals arise.


Well here you go, my first music video! And you can play it right here I believe :)

I like it! So you made all the music and the video? That's impressive. Is the music from the computer, or a keyboard? I was very relaxed and enjoyed it all. I suppose I should know the keyboard ??, but haven't been on here much, though I hope that changes sooner than later. I miss all the goin's on. Look forward to more OGP music from OGP Productions. Thanks for sending me an "easy for dorks to listen to" version. Muchly appreciated . Cheers my friend, and Happy Weekend