well, first of all. thanks for sharing your knowledge. Your ideas are very simple to implements and you don't give answers like "give a good comment and engagement with your audience". Your explanations is very interesting.
I know that you said "don't disagree" but I think if we don't share the same opinion we should say it. We can learn a lot Ina good discussion.
I agree, however, most people will be offended, it takes 2 strong individuals to have a good discussion without any butthurt feelings afterwards.
Good point eheh
I believe we are both! :)
It never hurts to read a few more posts, and get a feel for whether the poster is reasonable, or overly reactive.
And when the former, I agree that I've learned a lot from those I don't agree with, as well as those who already share my opinions. Either way the discussions can be interesting, informative and enlightening!