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RE: Steem Beats Blockchain World Record: 646,711 Transactions In One Day

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

It feels big because it is big. All those other blockchains are either not doing or failing to handle transaction loads of this level.

If we measure transfers only, we still have a long way to go. We're approaching 5000 per day now, compared to Bitcoin's >300,000 per day. Even that comparison is messy because in Bitcoin there is a need to consolidate transaction outputs, move between separate wallets etc. which is not necessary in Steem. Even by transfers only, it's likely we will pass billion dollar networks like Litecoin fairly soon.

On transfers alone, we are already on par with Dash - all transactions. That's a billion dollar blockchain, and they have many more than just transfer transactions as well.


SO as the user interface here .. diversify's .. and the block chain disappears
... the SHINNY-NESS ... of this place .. thROUGH the "E-YES" of the WORLD !!! - )))
IT will ONLY take one "FUN" and unEXPECTED monetization model ...
... targeting 12-18 year olds .... D'ONE !!!!! - ))
MaN-O-MaN !!! - ))
.. am i off ... ???
.. or did i just get excited writing that .. by fluke ?? !!!! - ))
WOW !! - ))
i started this thing last night ... any advice ?? - ))

.. input is welcomed ?? - ))