No offense meant, and I wasn't calling you out; I was calling out "relative newcomers who are all butthurt because Steemit hasn't turned out to be a money-for-nothing cash grab."
I see your posts all over the place, so clearly you're not part of that group...
I've seen newcomers come here after I joined going gangbusters on here....nope most are not putting out quality content they are gaming the system. They've just found the loop holes and happen to be computer savvy. I think that's what frustrates a lot of the new comers who want to play somewhat by the rules. I didn't have any high hopes or ambitions when I got talked into coming here so it's a little hard to be frustrated with something
you weren't expecting anyway. My motto was if it sounded to good to be true
it probably was....and it turned out exactly that. Basically because the rules aren't spelled out like they should be, that's another regulatory no no they'll get hit with if crypto's get regulated. They'll have to explain to people exactly what one vote is worth, that if your votes don't add up to one whole cents they get dusted and any post that don't make ten cents gets burned. Like any business where money is transacted people have a right to know exactly how it operates.