

Thank you for replying me again.
What I want is 3150 steem to upgrade my importation business and to teach other steemjet community members who want to learn the business.

What is importation?

This is the process of bringing in hot and needed goods from a foreign country into a desired country.

Benefits of funding this project

This project if funded will create alternative source of income to interested steemjet members.
This alone will reduce the over dependence on you for steem as a lot of people can now fund and help the community grow from their profits from the business.
You once said that we should invest in other things and I am presenting this lucrative business plan for you, this will be a big backup plan for rainy days.

profit margins

Importation business is a lucrative one and the profit margins ranges from 100% to 700% depending on the Item and market strategy.


I'm still waiting for the cashout I requested .

I will be so glad If This Project Is Funded @dimimp.

thank you for everything so far.


Hello @dimimp, I am a motion graphics designer, graphics designer, and video editor. I was introduced to steemjet by @lordjames as a community that promote skills and passions.

I believe my skills will be useful to you as you're going to focus on music and movies.

Here is a video I made for the steemjet record contest.

I'll be happy to join the spaceforce. Thank you.

Screenshot_20180818-130056.pngHello @dimimp you promoted me to SF1 and promised to send me a thousand steem. I'm still waiting patiently for it.

Sir @dimimp you asked me to use shartzy plane some minutes ago. I have done just that. Here is the new pictures. Please reply your number 1 admirer.

steemjet record1-01.jpg

Sir @dimimp, this is my second entry into the steemjet records logo contest. As seen from the picture, steemjet logo is at the center of the disc, the disc represent steemit. This means that steemjet is the center crux of steemit. I also connected a microphone to the output of the disc, this shows that as steemjet is the center crux of steemit, it makes steemit to move, while the microphone pushes steemjet to the world, so that the world knows about crypto.

steemjet record2-01.jpg

Sir @dimimp, this is my third entry into the steemjet logo contests. As seen, the microphone is producing sound notes, coupled with steemjet logo. This means that with steemjet record, steemjet would be known around the globe

SF8, hoping to be promoted soon sir.
I love you sir.

I remain your humble and loyal admirer, @okipeter #iLoveDimimp

good day Sir , i want to appreciate your help which you have given to us through this great plat form, you have been a great motivator to each and every one here in steemjet. Sir i no you have been so busy in your current project and time might not permit you to go through some previous post which i posted concerning blind date and steemjet high, please sir i no you have not gone through it that is that is the more reason i have to write you again. please Sir, i no your your input will be a plus to me.

this are the link to the post:

Thank you Sir for your respond.


Concerning the assignment you gave me, that is integrating music into a movie.
I wish to inform you that i have been able to come up with a production that carries music and dance all in one movie. With this project I will be working with steemjet music and steemjet dance crew to achieve a music and dance blockbuster movie...CLICK THE LINK BELOW FOR THE STORY LINE OF THE MOVIE...

The script is not ready yet due to funds becauses I intend to have a script workshop(bring professionals together to help write the script) and it's part of the 10,000steem budget
This project is going to be on a large scale as singers, rappers and dancers will be trained to become actors.... The project is also aimed to help bring Stem jet talents to limelight.... Good day sir @dimimp... I really want to appreciate you for your love and generosity which is indeed second to none. Thank you so much for the STEEM and my promotion to sf2.... I am really and sincerely honored sir @dimimp.

Budget: the budget for this production is 10,000steem or more if you wish to add due to your benevolence.





Some weeks ago, there was a campus steem programme organised by @ninoh22 team. The team went to about five different institutions for the awareness of cryptocurrency, steemit and steemjet. The team also went to secondary and primary schools to distribute noodles and customised steemjet notebooks to the students and pupils. I was invited by a friend @oyec who is part of the team and i also join them in the movement from one campus to the other and we are able to achieve our goal. Due to the great job i joined this team in actualizing, i will be glad if @dimimp can hire me and make me one of the space force member. Hiring me will make me make use of my talent on steemjet and will be glad if you @dimimp can hire me. God bless @dimimp God bless @ninoh22 team God bless @steemjet

yes I got, thank you so much for that. I have no words to completely thank you.
You are great man thanks you again.
You make people happy. you are not less than angel.
