STEEM is a billion dollar known quantity asset / crypto company with voting rights

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

We might as well define it the way that the world is going to see us as.

Sure the devs are gods currently, but they stand to make an enormous sum of liquid cash and bitcoin that they can use to spin off a new business initiative. I wonder what they will work on AFTER they get smart media tokens integrated into the steem software.

Upvotes on anyone who can get me dev quotes on the STEEM roadmap AFTER SMTs are implemented.

Somebody here asked for a roadmap, and I thought, great idea, but first I need an update on what steem will look like post SMT?

I would suggest for them to cash out some steem during this next price bump that we will get from the SMT successful launch, so that they can pay BTC to build whatever STEEM is going to become NEXT after SMTs. Because lets face it, this is a development race. The first to build the infastructure, gets the first use, and these steem pipes are clean but EOS power can make them cleaner.

I was saving 10 BTC to help give toward the upgrade to EOS, but now I put it back into steem and hope that will be able to afford the jump to light speed for steemjet.

Because without eos scalability for steemjet, there will be a new bigger stronger faster version of steem that we either need to clone or eventually die in a long drawn out fight to (btc vs bch)

Another steem clone could offer anon transactions, but not transparency which steem is king of.

So steem's currency niche is forever incentivizing fast nodes and user voting rights, known quantity asset with user control over an equal percent of its emmission with pure trust-free transparency. This is unique among currencies, and a very nice niche, but what beyond SMT can STEEM offer humanity - what will we spend our capital on after SMT launch, and will we eventually gain the speed and scalability of EOS?

Upvotes for insight please

The STEEMJET community (YOUR COMMUNITY) demands a roadmap.

Any idea what the future roadmap will look like AFTER we integrate the speeds of EOS with smart media tokens (is this even possible)?

The more honesty and transparency we can get into that question, the more integrity which will help adoption will come to us all.

So to increase the value of STEEM as THE UNIVERSAL FREE CURRENCY of choice among humans who like to talk and make money on their talents, all we need to do is create certainty about the future.


Any idea what the future roadmap will look like AFTER we integrate the speeds of EOS with smart media tokens? And is this even possible/likely?

The world wants to know how long steem will have state of the art speed and efficiency behind it, and it would seem that an upgrade to EOS gears would not only be possible, but profitible as well.

There are 2 pages

I wouldn’t trade being a part of this for anything right now.


an upgrade to EOS gears would not only be possible, but profitible as well

This will be far more profitable for steem. Imagine how ethereum keeps most token going because of its blockchain, steem will soon be compared to the likes of ethereum especially after SMT

Okay I'm just seeing this..
So Ehhh.. Where do I start from..
Okay for starters.. I just deduced STEEMJET I sgonna be an SMT(or boy am i wrong???)
STEEMJET is an initiative for massive adoption of steem, so I don't see any need for transition to EOS.
Eos is actually something that'll make waves. Yeah!!
The transaction speeds right now are groundbreaking but then again you said something about upgrading nodes and tapping in from the next price pump of steem to upgrade the blockchain and make it more efficient and fast to match up to the speed of Eos and hence have no competition. Well that's actually genius. The best thing yet. This is something you can tell @ned if there's anyway you could do that and he'll surely appreciate. I bet the resources to do such upgrades won't be a challenge. Every big thing is birthed by an idea.
Finally, I was the one who made that suggestion of a roadmap. We really need to know what we are in for, what we are doing and where the STEEMJET is headed and just as I said before, that will give us insight as to what we are doing and hope to achieve.
So I still propose a roadmap for the STEEMJET community so as to enable vision.
My 2cents!

Yes, the first step in the roadmap for STEEMJET is curriculum completion, and we need to know if steem is going to be adopting EOS architecture or keeping the existing less scalable design we currently have. And also if there are going to be any new developments AFTER SMT integration. Yes, I want a roadmap too, but without knowing what the future is going to look like, we can't know where to plot our path.

Just 2 questions can give us a complete roadmap:

  1. Will there be any new developments AFTER smart media tokens are integrated, or just ongoing development of SMT applications?

  2. Will we be able to adopt EOS architecture?

These questions might not be easy to answer. Maybe not even the devs can answer.

The theory we are describing has never been approached from the angle we are about to describe it in to people. We are describing science and our facts and data needs to be precise or our results will be worthless.


To take any market share in the store of value/currency markets, steem must be highly transparent (certainty = trust) if we want to win market share.

Yes, this discussion was inevitable, but cheers to ubongj for bringing it up in a timely fashion. I will offer 500 in upvotes to anyone who can go to the next big steem developer AMA and give me their answer to each question (that's $500 in upvotes each so $1000 if you ask them both questions). But I doubt that even the developers can see this far ahead.


Okay boss.. So basically we need answers. Crucial ones. Well how about we arrange for interviews or live chats with the devs or witnesses?
sounds good??
Then again I still think it's best we wait and see the Eos architecture to know which bandwagon to jump on. While we also hope that there'll be some innovations to the blockchain after the SMTS launch.
Anyways we'll still be good. We are right on track with an amazing team behind this..
We should do great

Hello @dimimp please I've just sumitted my entry for the steemjet lesson 1 logo contest.
Check it out from this link and add it up

Win win win.png

Beautiful. I love the collaboration. On the shoulders of giants. Love it, thanks! I will put it in a post update.


@dimimp check post update I made also a design and the 2nd one is near to completed

yea boss, i think this will also be one of the best steemjet logo

I love this creativity @steemdiva
Your design will sure be considered.

Indeed our steemjet community will grow

there will surely be a new developments AFTER smart media tokens are integrated, and the ongoing development of SMT applications,
as you have done by saving 10 BTC toward the upgrade to EOS, but now you put it back into steem and hope that will be able to afford the jump to light speed for steemjet. because without EOS scalability for steemjet, there will be a new bigger stronger faster version of steem that we either need to clone or eventually die in a long drawn out fight to (btc vs bch).

it will be able to adopt EOS architecture, the roadmap for STEEMJET is curriculum completion, and very sure that if steem is going to be adopting EOS architecture or keeping the existing less scalable design we currently have new developments AFTER SMT integration...

So I still propose a roadmap for the STEEMJET community so as to enable vision.

The STEEMJET community (YOUR COMMUNITY) demands a roadmap.
#steemjet let work together to build #steemjet family

Devs don't even want the EOS architecture to be adopted.

I am just getting this right?
steemJet is an SMT? Now that's a HUGE dream. Get into the board room guys, we gat work to do. While waiting for EOS I feel we just get something started, gather information on it to get an idea of what steem will be look like and try to adjust our sail in that direction.

You are very oriented. Love the sound of that. My challenge is contacting a Dev now

@Prochydon contacted some on discord already, they agreed development of the blockchain will continue even after the SMTs but doubt the possibility of adopting the EOS blockchain

i think this is more reason why @dimimp put this up to us, so as to gather more information.

@ubongj, @dimimp and everyone! We are glad to share and spread the links as earlier indicated, okay earlier we had tried to connect the more on. The subject is the basis of the interest group. With consent, steemjet groups on

WhatsApp :

On discord:

Ok. this is good

yea, i think this is a nice move.

I propose your idea @ubongj .....we must know where we are headed

I've just read all these

Hello @dimimp I have a great Idea which I do hope should win something big because it covers for the lesson 1 in time concept and even lesson 2 of the gold concept in the time domain.

I will be glad if you recieve this my humble offering to the community
Take a look at this great logo of mineIMG-20180315-WA0000.jpg

Fantastic, love the gold color, will make a nice transition into Lesson 2 (gold). Nice way you made the clock hands stand out while keeping the path/trajectory of the airplane visible and plus the steem logo is surprisingly visible. Very nice balance to fit all clock tics on too. An incredibly effective piece for what we need (the human in teaching position is perfect, and so is the fact that the clock stands out and is the focal point where the eyes go, thank you very much. I can't wait to update the contest post!


Wow I'm so glad you considered my artwork fantastic. I am now motivated to do even better

good job, i wish you do better than this

You're right boss. This is the best design so far that followed shartzy's concept

yea boss, i think this logo describe more information about steemjet

The design is so nice.. Keep it up

Thanks dear. I will

a nice design with a golden color. job weldone.

Thanks for appreciating my humble design

Well, I believe steem is going mainstream. It's not just about giving out free money It's about innovations, mind blowing innovations that set the pace for the future.
The steem blockchain is ahead of it's time that even when we talk about the future we are simply reminiscing.

I don't know the answer but I hope they start working on some issues that appear in the community once in a while.

I also hope that they alternatively stop working on too many updates and just let this community transform into a better thing without too many interruptions. I don't mean that they should stop working on this. I only mean that they shouldn't push out too many useless updates like in Youtube's case after it feels like this platform starts to be ready. I hope that sounded somewhat logical...

The world wants to know how long steem will have state of the art speed and efficiency behind it,

Yea and they will know pretty soon with the advent of steemjet

STEEM is a billion dollar known quantity asset / crypto company And STEEMJET will be the billion community soon.


Out of curiousity sir, what's the meaning of the "6/1294" you wrote?

Upvote given/upvote balance

.38/299.62 thank you

My pleasure boss

nice fraction for such

6 paid in upvotes of the total 1294 to be paid in upvotes. He upvotes people who took part in different competitions.

yep most possibility for steem.

Can you tell me about this steemjet.

It will for sure

A question was asked in the steemdev channel about smt's arrival and this was one of the developers response Screenshot_20180314-074834.png

I've contacted @jesta a STEEM witness on the issue of SMT, I'm waiting for a response as he has great input in making steemit a success

So they are promising this year without an actual date??

No one wants to give a date and not being able to meet up with it


I'll I can say is that work is in progress,
From their last commit on github 23days ago

Issues have been created and are being reviewed.
The main thing g we know that it's coming to us and soon.

Thanks ask him if we can get to EOS speed and what's next cool trick after SMT


the question will be difficult for them to answer, they cant actually give the correct answer to it, only if they are going to make a prediction.

So with this info, the longwait for the SMT is still ongoing?

i think so, and i hope it will soon be concluded

The SMT will enable any entrepreneur to launch their own customizable token on the Steem blockchain and instantly gain totally new fundraising, monetization, and community-building opportunities.
That will surely be a great step in the right direction

This is a good, steemit and steem will change the world.

No date..
That's kind of vague

am very sure the developer can even say more about how it will land.

Info about smt can be gotten here :
A link to their white paper here :

SMT Whitepaper:

THANKS! Here's another 20

Thanks, it is helpful for newer..

nice information, i think this will also help.

STEEM is a multi-valuable asset whose worth will soon reach for stars and even beyond.. STEEMJET can take it there.



I'm confident you'll not be disappointed.. All you need do is make your believe stronger .

may your words come true

What we need is a positive mind. We'll achieve greatness with that.

and it will be soon

steem can take any market share in the store of value/currency markets, steem must be highly transparent ( trust) if we want to win market share.

Any idea what the future roadmap will look like AFTER we integrate the speeds of EOS with smart media tokens (is this even possible)?

If we get to do this as quick as possible @dimimp we will be on the top of the food chain, I suggest we invest now the market is in dip.

It's not about investing, it's about assesing your investment. knowing the limits of the technology that you are looking to invest into before you buy and what their future development prospects are in this currency competition. Development is priceless right now, and steem with EOS speed alone would create a competitive moat where there are no other competitors in that version of the social nanotransaction space. Market share so unique and priceless, that it will pay to stake as much claim as technically possible. It might be counter intuitive to think that a minor functional upgrade would be better than some other bell or whistle, but what are these bells or whistles?

I think thorough accessment is necessary before we run into the dip!!

The bells and whistles, these are other turns we can take, I guess running on EOS is cool, but lets have a rethink and a new idea.

We need to be on our own.

We need the speed of EOS.. how great would that be

We are with you my boss.. And you will get there soon..
Long life steemjet


Lol, say what you know. It might be something.

We are in this together boss.. On the right route shall we fly always..


Because without eos scalability for steemjet, there will be a new bigger stronger faster version of steem that we either need to clone or eventually die in a long drawn out fight to (btc vs bch).

Yes @dimimp we need to make good moves now.

Well we cant do anything until the EOS platform is launched, and either we hop on board for a power boost or just integrate their code natively what ever that means, we will be cooking with EOS gas no?

Its going to bring some bad news later in the future.
We need to develop another idea of making this possible.

Yup. We need to analyze all possible outcomes because if goes down we are going down with it. Now until June 1 when EOS is launched should give us enough the to get our shit together.
I just saying we need to be pre-prepared.
From that point, no stopping.

we can bypass the EOS and build your own blockchain like dan did with steemit.

You gave all it takes my boss... Amazingly we will get there.. STEEMJET will fly faster..

It all begins with getting catchy quotes and logos and all and Steemjet will become irresistible

yes, we are flying with the steemjet

Quotes is not the problem. I will personally spin bountiful quotes that will make everyone want to know what STEEMJET is all about

I must confess this sounds juicy, but we need to analyze the potentials of this and the future impact.
Steem is huge, it is the future. But we must be realistic and start with the attainable.

steemjet will be the billions community in the coming days. it will rise soon .

yea, steemjet is flying above the sky

I think SMTs are going to lead the future of social networking. This would create competition across the internet and quality will prevail.
This will let other social networking sites to have their own steem-like token and extend on the steem blockchain.
I think this is really great for all crypto..

And steem chain integrated with EOS speed will take the cake no?

The devs doubt that is ever going to happen

That will be super.. now we just have to wait for EOS launch

Lol.. Have you thought of greater speeds?

It's indeed great for crypto.

We have to act fast before and delay may occur on the way

now that the market is in dip, it will be a great advantage . but hoping the EOS will take a great speed.

I believe steem would appreciate with time even AFTER the launching of SMTs.
EOS is fast growing too.
But, I believe EOS and steemit are two unique crypto platforms.
And hopefully EOS 'complements' steem and not the other way around.
Steem all the way!♨️



You are quite knowledgeable about this... Nice one my friend

I learn from people like @dimimp and yourself.

we are hoping for the best

The STEEMJET community (YOUR COMMUNITY) demands a roadmap.

With you @dimimp steem jet will shape the universe.

@dimimp is working tremendously for the community

He's the first captain.

yes!!! we are building #steemjet together to make it great in the universe
steemjet my community, your community

I actually think SMT will gain even more speed than EOS. This might not happen immediately, of course we know that good things take a little bit of time to manifest, but it will eventually be so

yea, SMT future is bright

After SMT launch, there are scores of good things we could offer the community. I will communicate everything I have in mind eventually even as I ponder on new ones

10 BTC is fair enough but I am sure we'd get a better result if we make it 15

i think is the best idea to boost the economy

We can only hold our heads high up and hope for the best. STEEMJET will go places. I promise you this!

Let's impmplement SMT and trust me, Tyrion will not even need to ask for quotes. He will just see them spinning in

Talking about future certainty , I would say that our future is even more certain than that of the United States

lol, you are making sense

To cap it all, God bless @dimimp, I have a special affection for you

Because lets face it, this is a development race. The first to build the infastructure, gets the first use, and these steem pipes are clean but EOS power can make them cleaner.

We ought to make the best decision now, I believe in you ideas boss.

After the SMT, there will be other innovations to the steemit platform, I am sure the SMT wasn't among the first dream of Dan and Ned. Though we all agree that the devs are taking too long for the launch but it's all worth it.
Dan is the wizard here, but if EOS brings anything that seems like the steemit platform, it will definitely look like a copy cat, even if they do better.
Steemit has made a mark on the crypto world already and we all know they are the best in rewards.
We hope for better days ahead.

good point, you cannot ignore the initial 2 year network effect that steem has. it is not negligible. L

Sure.. You are right!



Hello @dimimp please I've just sumitted my entry for the steemjet lesson 1 logo contest.
Check it out from this link and add it up

Win win win.png

We need to know the future development before thinking of the EOS. And we need to create a suitable platform to launch it as well or we integrate it with our steemjet.

Even with SMTs... I believe EOS has what it takes to drive steem, even though it seems the odds are against it now, but with a good pilot like you @dimimp...anything is possible

I hope the user base keeps growing, most happy I am with the additional services there are on the steem blockchain like dlive, dtube busy etc.

Yes i agree with you @dimimp.

I hope everything is going to be all right....steem has really done lots of good

Are you scared? You need not worry....Keep powering up! Steem will moon

I'm really happy to learn more with you really glad to be part of steemjet.

The world wants to know how long steem will have state of the art speed and efficiency behind it.

I agree with you.

I don't want to make assumptions @dimimp because am not a crypto lord, but I can naively say that EOS might possibly crash along the way just when they meet SMTs and, while trying to lorry steem, but all we need is a great pilot like you to be that extra fuel power

I haven't spoken much on this because I'm still researching. Moments like this are usually the most critical, moments before implementation of changes. Extensive knowledge is needed, because it's either break or pain, no two ways about it and if it goes down we are all going down with it.
......And if it goes down we are all going down with it.

A billion dollar company? Yes and more.
After SMTs is integrated into steem blockchain I'm sure there will reduction in number of coins, there can't keep up and will inadvertently be forced to dump!
Invest wisely guys.

yes, your prediction was right, bittrex will remove 40 coin from their platform by the end of this month

We should all be thankful we got involved in this before the integration into the steem blockchain. After it is done Steem will be simply unaffordable.
Study and invest wisely.

STEEM limit is above the sky

Indeed our steemjet community will grow

we must know where we are headed


EOS gears would not only be possible, but profitible as well.

I hope so.

I'm impressed that how much you do have faith in this currency. I also have faith in STEEM that's why I invested point BTC to power up my profile. There is no doubt that STEEM is a millions dollars currency at the current time. It will go up soon.

I am totally agree with you....

If you compare the price of steem as of November to March, there is a very big change.
I remember when we we had to work hard to earn $100 on steemit with the price of $0.70, it got to $7 and we hope for a better price. SMT is going to change everything. I have trust on that.

Yes, I noticed there is a big change but this is temporary. It will touch $10 per SBD soon.

True, this is a very good time to invest, before the SMTs are integrated. Prices will soar.

That's why it is quite important we hold some stakes in the system now. I could advise everyone to powerup as much as possible to secure a foot on the platform.

Yeah you are quite right. We should take our position now for securing our future on this platform which is bright.


Hello @dimimp
this is really nothing to worry about.
to bring you the quotes of steemdev when SMT have been implemented
I can say:
''we're all gonna have a bright, pleasurable and rewarding world here on steemit. The smart media annexe is a genius innovation to complement steem investors just at the right time. Our community steemjet will be so happy when it is succeeds
We the young people will have all the time to enjoy it"
my advice is:
Invest more in your steempower and you will never regret it.

Yeah you're right

Yes sir

Yeah like 1million steempower can push this community to it's apogee

Damn! That's a shitload of money and you know the current condition of the iron bank.

I don't think @dimimp will be able to afford 1million steempower currently

With @dimimp anything is possible, just BELIEVE

I believe

lol, you can't just predict the boss

I like your views here

yea, i think steempower is the pass key

You make the right decsion to invest more in steem in cryptocurrency, i also believe currency rates is up soon. Steemit is the best social networking site, although i am new in crypto, but think if we ivest more in crypto we will get some good result 🙂 all the best i follwed you!

Investing in Crypto is a good idea but investing in steem would be the best move

You've spoken well.

You just joined and you've known quite a handsome bit.
You are very right. Cryptocurrencies will soon be on a high due to favorable news coming in lately.
Investing would be a very good decision to make now.

You just joined and you've known quite a handsome bit.
You are very right. Cryptocurrencies will soon be on a high due to favorable news coming in lately.
Investing would be a very good decision to make now.

you are right, investing with steem is a future asset

steem will go 20 usd..
And you should also keep dogecoin now. it has also a great possiblity.

Yes, but what of steem future development. Nobody can answer a simple question.

Any idea what the future roadmap will look like AFTER we integrate the speeds of EOS with smart media tokens (is this even possible)?

I guess it's not, its going g to bring loss....we should look for another way not just paying with smart media tokens.

Boss, I strongly believe that with the launch of the SMT, the steem future development will take a huge twist in the right direction.


yea, you are right

All of digital currencies have always been volatile, so a big drop is as usual .
Hope that in the future its rate exceed $10 to $15.
We'll see it soon.@dimimp

The future development of steem depends on us and what do i mean by us?
Looking at the activities of some whales on the platform, if nothing is done for peace to reign then there might be trouble in the future of steem
If greed and insult can be put aside then there is hope for steem future

Also if some whales on the platform can create some coins that will be traded specifically for steem and to involve steemians then steem can do well.
Also with the security issues on ground, if a 2fa security can be introduced then things will go well also

I think Steem will appreciate to at least $10 within 1 year.

I strongly believe in this too


There are 2 pages