(small edit+ at the bottom)
hm, the price looks somewhat, like slightly exactly where it was at the same stable point, oscillating between 12 and 15 dollarcents so only millionaires can turn some profit trading it (the question is why would anyone with that money spend that amount of money to get a few dollars ?
imo , in over 4 years the elder protectorate has done nothing but secure their own margins, neither steemit inc nor any of the other platforms have taken this place anywhere outside its own walls to anywhere that means anything globally , the price sunk from $7 to $0.12, considering mother BTC went up to $20 it should as an actual serious coin have stopped at around $3.5 / $3 there and wobbled around that, but it went so far down the content nazi millionnaires are the only ones who get anything from it
everyone just regurgitates what they want to hear, b/c 90% writes for the vote-sucking, not to write 'good content' (which is normal, for normal people as, as the author here says : we all came cos the frontpage said "post shit : get money")
so no one is honest, it's the biggest racket of pyramid marketeers and other hit&run ICO-types i have EVER seen on Crypton in all of its existence but we are all
yea, Sun paid a good few billions just to get to talk to Buffett in order to try and change his stance on crypto-currencies (not tron, not blockchain, not de-centralization)
the others, including the holy saint Vitalsky of Ethereum, have done basically nothing but praise their own shit into heaven and here you get about 10 people in charge of what you like to call de-centralized who have actually done nothing to get it out into the world and just try to convince everyone to bring a friend and some money b/c that will save good content ...
all i can see the price is not $7 , not $3 , its 0.12 ... it was 0.23 , ... it dipped a little bit on the takeover (which was in the media "a low" b/c i get the impression plenty people here dont even REMEMBER steem being over a dollar, let alone $7 (taken from my own observations on people i used to vote on who have stopped posting for YEARS now , that should be years, yea, two years about, plenty quit on the supreme hardfok 21/22 which was to the naked eye an obvious attempt to keep the inflation from spiralling to the point that witnessess would actually have to run nodes that didnt pay the electricity and server-host cost back while the rest got less PLUS halved PLUS free downvotes for the fun-with-flags retards who think 'downvoting is good for the eco-system'
that's what i see : they failed for four years in everything except but to stay in control, including the terrorism by the protection cartel revolving around misterdelegation (steemcleaners and the like)
Sun has a proven record and more money than any of the m combined
so yea ... my money is on Justin, definitely NOT on Justineh (a hh a ahahah)
(sunday steemday ... and i still its more time than its worth these days , you could always spell steemit with the letters scambagmarketeeringhippiecrites but now they showed : if you are a threat : they can freeze your assets like they were the fucking supreme court)
4 years : it's what the leader of the free world gets before the angry mob gets to vote again
here witness votes don't even expire ...
edit : what i forgot , or should just hit me : talking "hes gonna fork it and whatnot" ... why would he have to ? unless it has all changed they never patented it, ... its some kind of a neo-hippie-silicon thing i think, it's open source even
(unless all that has changed) so what you say is : Justin Sun does not have the billions to take the open source-code and find a few programmers who can 'hack it' (in the proverbial sense) ? why would he need a few million of crudcoins if he has the money to buy the company
in case you didnt hear of litlle sch-diddle btw :
he paid FOUR POINT FIVE BILLION to get a meeting (buffett gave it away to charity btw, thats what real whales act like)
he's worth 84 BILLION ... he never even looked at steem or steemit before ... but when EOS/block.one announces Voice he pounces on it and
piece de résistance ... who is the 'owner' of steemit inc (was) because that is the people who sold it ...
this all sounds like reasoning cooked up on discord by elder protectorate witnesses to me because its like spare change to the man ... he wants something to compete with EOS Voice ... that means REAL world, BIG money ...
and here ? they want to stay in control
so if it will be forked, i fear it will be them ... he wants to merge it ? why not ? after four years its clearly not working
i get more likes on facebook and more exposure too (if i had one cos i dont have one atm since quite some time)
i get like 25000 impressions on some graphic media on pinterest ...
someone has lost track of reality, they just wanna stay in their little pond and play little enlightened despot b/c 'here you are a whale for 100.000 dollar ...)
no ?
well that's my opinion then (if i posted for vote-sucking i'd be a lot more steemer by now, but clearly none the richer, every time i bought they sold it off the week or two weeks after and the price went lower , so i stopped doing that)
then they introduce free downvotes (no one asked me, its not a democracy after all, its 20 people deciding, with votes that can be 4 years old from accounts that are long dead)
and i have never downvoted in all the time i was here, what do i get for my free downvotes ?
well i get one little 'project' that id been working on for over a year (its nearly 2yo now) that's being zeroed out by some automated wanker
from where i stand sun can only make it better, no matter what he wants, and what he wants (quite convinced) is something to compete with EOS
that would make STEEM a real player
y'all is nuts to hang off the dicks of the elder whales like that
I agree that the overall performance of the guys on the top witness spots is below our expectations, but I think that you should individualized witnesses performance and highlight some that have been able to deploy successful projects with almost no funds such as Splinterslands.
Beyond that I totally agree that a new set of running heads are needed, IMO the most disgusting factor is that witnesses who blindly supported bidbots as a legit business model arguing that because they have "skin" in the platform, that they have "invested" here, they have the right to drive this place as they see fit... actually what bidbots did was smash the possibilities for this place to thrive, those witnesses are ranting now because a bigger fish in this pound is outweighing them, how ironic (I also am supporting those witnesses with my little stake because I don't like the way Justin is leading the transition, there's no need to force anyone to do as you wish, Justin so far has not done any better than the previous witnesses on this regard)
Well, Justin might hurt this place... He announced a token swap that would end with the end of the Steem Blockchain, that's true but those witnesses already slapped on this community face the last four years. If Justin gives some signals that he is slightly better than those witnesses (so far I have not seen such a sign, money is not the only thing that matters) I might support Justin's project... Sadly, so far Justin's project seems only to include porting the dapps on Steem to Tron (I think he doesn't fully understand that dapps on Steem are not dapps on Steemit), and I don't see why that would scenario for steemians since tronians would have a massive advantage, it's just not good business for us.