Steem is currently in 3rd place with 2360 votes for the Netcoins Coin Listing Contest.
After you've voted, you have the chance to vote again every 24 hours.
To vote, you simply need to fill out the information that is listed on the form here.
Shortly after signing-up to vote for your favorite alt-coin, an e-mail will be sent to you to verify your vote. For all those who decide to enter the contest, they will also be eligible to win a 'crypto bundle' worth around $200.
The voting for this contest ends on Oct 20th at 11:59pm.

I already voted twice last days but STEEMERS have to step up! We should be able to beat the number one SPAC. All it takes is some persistent voting. Steem price will go up once more people see the listing!
right on!
Ya i just voted yesterday. Apparently u can vote every 24hrs for any1 who doesn’t already know that.
Great to know it’s #3. Was like 6th last time i checked :/
I didn't realize we could vote again every 24 hours. Cool! I'll keep going back... Thank you for letting me know that.
I wish you a wonderful day dear friend@doitvoluntarily how good that you have joined to promote this important event, you have many followers, who can make a difference
I just voted with my email. Another +1
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Go Steem Go!
I just voted and resteemed this to get the word spreading!
this is really interesting @doitvoluntariamente we have to unite to support STEEM and get it to be in first place would be fantastic