Speak for yourself, I've never done that. In fact I have respectfully attempted to engage with Koreans on Steem and reason over some differences in opinion, despite the difficulties presented by the language barrier.
Only after you (and almost everyone) understood that they can affect the power balance. No one gave a shit about them before. Am I wrong? I don't remember anyone reaching to Koreans for opinions regarding several changes that happened on the chain. But yea, the worth of your opinion, shity or not, is equal to how much stake you own right?
The root of hate started way before this drama. You can be sure that if the Steem dream is built on a weak foundation, it will eventually collapse. If not because of Sun, then it will be because of something else in the future.
This might not be relevant but I was personally told when I wanted to write articles in my mother tongue and get curated for it that anyone who doesn't speak and post in English should be considered as a subhuman (because knowing English s what makes you human) like if I am representing chimpanzees on the chain, not a community. Funny enough, it was said to me by a witness who runs a huge curation project. But who cares, I am just one low SP guy.
This clearly tyrannical and racism and invitation for hate and violence. If I don't have the power to do something about it, Koreans have that power (at least now). I know you are trying to make things right but this can't really happen if we all keep moving like if we were in havens before. It's sad but a fact to take into consideration while speaking with Koreans that were heavily downvoted before just because of their language (spam aside).
When you disrespect someone or his culture, you can be sure that he will do X once he acquires the power to achieve it. If that disrespect scales to a whole community, then the chain will never thrive and will always be subject to retaliation and instabilities.
It's useless to think that they can affect the situation only because of Sun. It's happening and this is the reality of things. We all lost because we thought that no price will be paid for a lot of things that were done in the past, we are now just collecting the fruits of our doing.
No, just destroyed in an instant of greed and arrogance what many people have worked hard to build for years. Wow, a billionaire can fuck with the #80 ranked blockchain just to show how well connected and powerful he is, and to try to make a little more money. Impressive as all fuck if you ask me. Not.
Many mistakes lead to this catastrophe. Sun is just like the guy who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914. I can talk to you about greed on this chain, but it doesn't matter. We can talk longly about what happened since the genesis but it doesn't also matter. What he did is wrong, and witnesses did is also wrong, everyone is guilty here. Now either we learn and move on, or we keep getting emotional over who did what.
I don't care if he is Chinese or Norwegian or comes from Mars. He's the same reprehensible piece of trash to me, based on his behavior and nothing else.
Then you are one of the few.
People might not care, but they care, I can easily bet on which post on steem people will generously vote on even though other posts are more deserving and of higher quality (but hey why reward people when you can send to null). Racism can be expressed in many ways, and one of them is nucking/ignoring a post only because of the language that was used. When people start using language as a form of ethnic or racial segregation then it's a sign that things are going to the wall.
In the end, what going to happen, a chain split? a unified chain? People think that we are in a war, but I think the community lost years ago before even knowing it.
Now we need to learn from our mistakes and move on, starting the next phase by playing on cultural differences again and bashing other communities is a bad idea. I believe a lot of people aspired to provide a lot more and be more for Steem and on Steem, me included, but were hammered down because of their language, culture or just whatever retarded reason.
I did not cover everything, but some changes are really necessary, and community members like you should be involved in opening such discussions.
Thank you,
Speaking only for myself, you are dead wrong. I'm talking about months ago. This is verifiable on-chain if you want to go and find it.
I stepped down as a witness before all this drama specifically to not be involved, so I have no involvement recently at all, but I'm also not going to sit here and watch you make a bunch of statements and claims that are dead wrong.
Not by me. I've for years supported non-English communities including @cervantes (Spanish) even though I barely understand Spanish, by sponsoring their contests, witness votes, and maybe free delegation (I don't remember that for sure). This is also verifiable on-chain.
In a large community there are all sorts of views and approaches including some ugly ones. If you have gripes with someone else, take them there, don't start throwing bogus racist accusations at me.
In short, please get your facts straight, or shut the fuck up.
I don't remember throwing anything at you retard. Stop being offended by every fucking letter. This is not gay pride.
How about you honor your word and keep your big nose out of people's way, it's not my fault that you are now a relic. At least other people had the guts to do something even if it was wrong, yea but you had something to do off-chain, what? WTF are you doing here? Honor your word and stop trying to be a smart ass because no one cares. You run like a coward and left people to do the dirty work, then you came sneaking like a rat on the same day of the SF expecting to have the higher ground and clean hands?
A lot of communities but only remembers @cervantes (YEA, because if other communities have created their own witnesses they will for sure enter the top 20, right? We all now why cervantes is/was at the top). If you don't remember anymore maybe you should get to work and support them again ... or this is just one-time ticket to heaven?
Also, If you have some hidden emotions you want to express, go see a shrink. Get your shit together, I have no time to deal with a grown overly emotional man who thinks that emotions are better than facts. Stop rambling around and getting excited over shit. Move on.
Sun moves clearly made more damages than I though on your ego, he outsmarted every retarded here who thought that a cult of 60 people will do the job. The whole community is divided now just because the BS you and your ghetto of retarded friends brought us.
It's too late to play the vigil.
Get em doc.
If there was a message there, I couldn't extract it from the poorly written jumble of words. At least you didn't call me a racist again, and instead implied that I am gay (which, whether or not accurate, I won't take as an insult).
I wonder who the racist is.