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RE: Since when Is Gaming an Investment?

in #steem6 years ago

Let me join the chorus and sing along, "Steem Monsters is not a game but an investment" nah, nah nah nah, beep beep (with a techno back drop)


SM has so many ways to earn, from tournaments, season rewards, daily quests, card trading and votes from their big account for articles, dare I say that for many of us it is a game that is an investment.

Many players that I know are up wildly on their SM investment.

I invested a couple of grand a few months ago and I have gotten a least $800-$1,000 back so far (I don't take the time for exact records). And I still have 467 unopened packs + a lot of maxed cards.


a couple of grand. I have heard that a few times. you do realise for winners there has to be losers. Man I just dont fully get it. But, I did say in a comment above that with steemmonsters, you get cards, which is ownership so in that way it ticks the box for investment. you can play with your cards for a long time right, so it also ticks the box of longer term, although tournaments are time bound right. I guess with steemmonsters there is some cross over from that view point