5000 SP (Finally, he calls me at home!)

in #steem5 years ago

Welcome to the 93rd weekly installment of my series on Steem income and growth!

Income on this blockchain is generated by "investment" (the more currency you have, the more you earn) and by "work" (earning currency by contributing content that adds value). I'm working to earn STEEM by creating (and curating) valuable unique content.

Calculating weekly income

Here's the running tally, including my wife @MediKatie and our joint account @GirlsofGreen:

Week 01 - 0840 (+ ? ) STEEM (+n/a%)
Week 02 - 0848 (+ 8 ) STEEM (+0.95%)
Week 03 - 0862 (+14) STEEM (+1.65%)
Week 04 - 0868 (+ 6 ) STEEM (+0.70%)
Week 05 - 0876 (+ 8 ) STEEM (+0.92%)
Week 06 - 0888 (+12) STEEM (+1.37%)
Week 07 - 0914 (+26) STEEM (+2.93%)
Week 08 - 0929 (+15) STEEM (+1.64%)
Week 09 - 0936 (+ 7 ) STEEM (+0.75%)
Week 10 - 0953 (+17) STEEM (+1.82%)
Week 11 - 0960 (+ 7 ) STEEM (+0.73%)
Week 12 - 0966 (+ 6 ) STEEM (+0.63%)
Week 13 - 0973 (+ 7 ) STEEM (+0.72%)
Week 14 - 0980 (+ 7 ) STEEM (+0.72%)
Week 15 - 0986 (+ 6 ) STEEM (+0.61%)
Week 16 - 0991 (+ 5 ) STEEM (+0.51%)
Week 17 - 0996 (+ 5 ) STEEM (+0.50%)
Week 18 - 1032 (+36) STEEM (+3.61%)
Week 19 - 1040 (+ 8 ) STEEM (+0.78%)
Week 20 - 1045 (+ 5 ) STEEM (+0.48%)
Week 21 - 1051 (+ 6 ) STEEM (+0.57%)
Week 22 - 1059 ( +8 ) STEEM (+0.76%)
Week 23 - 1065 (+ 6 ) STEEM (+0.56%)
Week 24 - 1073 (+ 8 ) STEEM (+0.75%)
Week 25 - 1079 (+ 6 ) STEEM (+0.56%)
Week 26 - 1091 (+12) STEEM (+1.11%)
Week 27 - 1100 (+ 9 ) STEEM (+0.82%)
Week 28 - 1105 (+ 5 ) STEEM (+0.45%)
Week 29 - 1108 (+ 3 ) STEEM (+0.27%)
Week 30 - 1119 (+11) STEEM (+0.99%)
Week 31 - 1151 (+32) STEEM (+2.86%)
Week 32 - 1159 (+ 8 ) STEEM (+0.70%)
Week 33 - 1166 (+ 7 ) STEEM (+0.60%)
Week 34 - 1172 (+ 6 ) STEEM (+0.51%)
Week 35 - 1177 (+ 5 ) STEEM (+0.42%)
Week 36 - 1183 (+ 6 ) STEEM (+0.50%)
Week 37 - 1196 (+13) STEEM (+1.10%)
Week 38 - 1204 (+ 8 ) STEEM (+0.66%)
Week 39 - 1220 (+16) STEEM (+1.33%)
Week 40 - 1250 (+30) STEEM (+2.46%)
Week 41 - 1264 (+14) STEEM (+1.12%)
Week 42 - 1287 (+23) STEEM (+1.82%)
Week 43 - 1300 (+13) STEEM (+1.01%)
Week 44 - 1312 (+12) STEEM (+0.92%)
Week 45 - 1323 (+11) STEEM (+0.84%)
Week 46 - 1351 (+28) STEEM (+2.12%)
Week 47 - 1372 (+21) STEEM (+1.55%)
Week 48 - 1394 (+22) STEEM (+1.60%)
Week 49 - 1410 (+16) STEEM (+1.15%)
Week 50 - 1436 (+26) STEEM (+1.84%)
Week 51 - 1481 (+45) STEEM (+3.13%)
Week 52 - 1505 (+24) STEEM (+1.59%)
Week 53 - 1517 (+12) STEEM (+0.80%)
Week 54 - 1529 (+12) STEEM (+0.79%)
Week 55 - 1540 (+11) STEEM (+0.72%)
Week 56 - 1555 (+15) STEEM (+0.97%)
Week 57 - 1576 (+21) STEEM (+1.35%)
Week 58 - 1606 (+30) STEEM (+1.90%)
Week 59 - 1620 (+14) STEEM (+0.87%)
Week 60 - 1631 (+11) STEEM (+0.68%)
Week 61 - 1647 (+16) STEEM (+0.98%)
Week 62 - 1674 (+27) STEEM (+1.64%)
Week 63 - 1685 (+11) STEEM (+0.65%)
Week 64 - 1702 (+17) STEEM (+1.01%)
Week 65 - 1714 (+12) STEEM (+0.71%)
Week 66 - 1722 (+ 8 ) STEEM (+0.47%)
Week 67 - 1734 (+12) STEEM (+0.70%)
Week 68 - 1752 (+18) STEEM (+1.04%)
Week 69 - 1780 (+28) STEEM (+1.60%)
Week 70 - 1937 (157) STEEM (+8.82%)
Week 71 - 2080 (143) STEEM (+7.38%)
Week 72 - 2179 (+99) STEEM (+4.76%)
Week 73 - 2334 (155) STEEM (+7.11%)
Week 74 - 2368 (+34) STEEM (+1.46%)
Week 75 - 2379 (+11) STEEM (+0.46%)
Week 76 - 2424 (+45) STEEM (+1.89%)
Week 77 - 2479 (+55) STEEM (+2.27%)
Week 78 - 2501 (+22) STEEM (+0.89%)
Week 79 - 2517 (+16) STEEM (+0.64%)
Week 80 - 2535 (+18) STEEM (+0.72%)
Week 81 - 2555 (+20) STEEM (+0.79%)
Week 82 - 2567 (+12) STEEM (+0.47%)
Week 83 - 2580 (+13) STEEM (+0.51%)
Week 84 - 2616 (+36) STEEM (+1.40%)
Week 85 - 2692 (+76) STEEM (+2.91%)
Week 86 - 2746 (+54) STEEM (+2.01%)
Week 87 - 2830 (+84) STEEM (+3.06%)
Week 88 - 2840 (+10) STEEM (+0.35%)
Week 89 - 2851 (+11) STEEM (+0.39%)
Week 90 - 2867 (+16) STEEM (+0.56%)
Week 91 - 2900 (+33) STEEM (+1.15%)
Week 92 - 2935 (+35) STEEM (+1.21%)
Week 93 - 2960 (+25) STEEM (+0.85%)

Average weekly growth (last 10 weeks): +38.0 Steem (+1.39%)

MediKatie and I have been putting out a ton of content lately, most of it extremely high-quality stuff. Including GirlsofGreen, we've reached 2960 STEEM - pretty awesome! That represents 2 years of full-time content-creation, posting, commenting, and curation.

Of that nearly 3000 STEEM, approximately 2500 is in my wallet. But I've also got just over 2500 STEEM in there I'm holding for [ Mission: Agua-Possible ], meaning I have a grand total of exactly 5000 Steem Power right now!

My account joins 2736 others in the 5000+ SP club, aka "Steem dolphins".

As mentioned, only half of it's mine, but at least I get to hold it! When I started [MAP] I had no idea this is how things would go, but we're doing our best to make it work. At the time, we all expected STEEM to be headed from $2 to $10, not down to $0.13! It was all supposed to be funded and over with in a few weeks, tops. But it is working, the way we've always been doing things, so there's no reason not to continue. We're going to bring water back to Edgar's neighborhood sometime in 2020 and that's really exciting!

Interesting to note that Steemit considers 5000 STEEM to be worth $1000 USD, or $0.2 each, which is 50% more than the actual current price of $0.13 each, for a total REAL account value of $650 USD. Why does Steemit artificially inflate the value of our wallets?

Also, worth noting...

For 650 bucks, somebody can sign up from scratch, become a dolphin, and wield the same voting power here that I do. They could neutralize every vote I made, for example. For $650, all my work in the past present and even FUTURE could be undone! Wow. For people like me, who have enemies in high places because I speak truth to power, that kind of vulnerability and risk isn't very comfortable. If the price falls much further, my team's 2 years of full-time effort will be reduced to such a low amount that anyone with $10 to blow could decimate me. It sounds dramatic but that's the cold hard reality, and this world is getting more censored, not less. If we become a threat to the establishment here, which is what we're intending, they're going to be able to shut us up with pocket change. That should alarm us all, and we should be taking action to deal with it.

My reputation hit 67.5 this week, and I'm now the 1918th most reputable Steemian. GirlsofGreen reached 56.5, and MediKatie climbed to 57 thanks to an awesome post about oil.

Thank you to all our followers and supporters. If you're putting out original content in similar topics, and we don't already follow you, please let us know! We're looking for high-quality creators who put out regular content we can enjoy and curate. Thanks! :)

Oh, and HAPPY NEW CALENDAR YEAR! I made this, to celebrate:



banner 2019.jpg

Posted on Steemleo

I can only congratulate you that everything is still on the rise. HAPPY YEAR! @drutter.

Thanks very much, you too, have a great start to 2020 :)

Hey man, to explain why your Steem wallet says a balance much higher than it actually is:
Steem uses he SBD value to calculate that number and since SBD is less than a dollar, and it inputs it as if it WERE at a dollar, those two numbers are skewed.

Secondly the downvote system has changed ever since they implemented the new hard fork so it actually downvotes less than it used to for a comparable downvote.

The once major difference being that you get 2.5 free 100% downvotes per day before your downvote VP depletes I believe.

SO you get free downvotes, but they are weaker... Just a positive thing for those people who are being attacked.

Nobody big has ever really fkd with my accounts and I tend to stay to myself most of the time...

Well, you carry a very large stick (you have access to hundreds of thousands of STEEM to retaliate against anyone who messes with you), so your experiences of not being randomly harassed often aren't typical. Most of us don't have that very large stick keeping others polite around us.

"Steem uses he SBD value to calculate that number and since SBD is less than a dollar, and it inputs it as if it WERE at a dollar, those two numbers are skewed."

I think it's just Steemit, not all of Steem. It's a Steemit Wallet problem. Other front ends don't do these shenanigans.

Ohhhhhhhhh, so $1000 is the amount my 5000 Steem WOULD be worth, if I converted it into SBD, and if SBD was worth 50% more than it is?

In that case, I have a way to make that $1000 number even larger!

Let's make it another 50% larger by counting what it WOULD be worth, if I converted it to New Zealand Dollars, and if NZDollars were worth the same as USDollars!

So we could change everyone's Wallet to read $1500 instead of $1000, $90 instead of $60, and so on! If they ask, just say that's what it would be worth if things were different. It's not dishonest, it's not creepy, it's not insulting..... it's just "skewed"!

Honestly though, why did Steemit change from reporting the real USD value, to a phoney USD value? My Steem is worth $1000 here but only $650 on all the other frontends.

If they're showing the value of the wallet in SBD, why does it say "based on an average value of Steem in US dollars"? Several months ago, when they changed how the number is calculated, why didn't they update the description to say "based on an average value of Steem in SBD"?

Might as well just change it to $1500 USD, or even $40000 USD. Just secretly change it to calculate based on the Vietnamese Dong, or the Japanese Yen, or Litecoin. Or let's go for Zimbabwe Dollars, and display it as a value of $3 million USD. Why not, it's just as real as the $1000 figure currently shown, right?

Skewed is such a friendly term for it... others would call it lying, or at the very best, incompetence. Not a good face to present to the world when trying to bring in new members. YouTube is shedding millions of users per week right now and I don't see a lot of new signups around here. Maybe we need to skew our numbers a bit more, heheh.

Why do they inflate, cause they probably got a buyout offer at 25 cents, so in reality that's what it's worth! (They just can't tell us yet!) ... or they want us to feel 50% less depressed?? lol Good job on getting that steem! Whoever owns the keys owns the steem!!

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