Coronavirus crashed stocks this week, which crashed Bitcoin, which crashed STEEM, which crashed [Mission: Agua-Possible]!

in #steem5 years ago

I'm DRutter, and this is the 76th weekly post for Mission: Agua-Possible! It updates our progress toward the goal of 1300 USD (in STEEM) for a well pump to bring water to the family farm of @EdgarGonzalez.



Severe economic and political crisis over the past few years in the South American country of Venezuela intensified in 2019, as president Maduro doubled down on his currency manipulation, price-fixing, propaganda, and suppressing resistance. You've heard about the country's recent turmoil, but the world's media isn't showing us even half the reality!

I began to see more and more Steem users from Venezuela, I started to hear their interesting stories - and ask questions. I discovered some dark truths about the economic and political situation there. Most shops are empty, the currency is collapsing, people are hungry - the economy is at a standstill. Theft, corruption, and violence escalate as society breaks down. Those who can are fleeing on foot - 8 million already. The harsh socialist government attempts to control/fix the economy, and blames problems on the people. Most government services (like running water) work only in certain areas - or not at all.

The people are desperate for any change and protests sometimes fill the streets for miles. Maduro announced that Venezuela will no longer accept US Dollars for oil exports, then tried to get his country's gold back from Bank of England, who refused. The Russian military has become involved, supporting Maduro. The Americans back a man called Guaidó, who also has little public support. Electrical and internet blackouts happen regularly. Stability for the people appears out of reach.


In mid-2018 I found @edgargonzalez, the blog of Edgar, a Venezuelan man about my age. He's a father of young children, and a professional whose job disappeared because of the crisis. He feeds his family by fishing, harvesting fruits, and growing cassava on his late-father's plantation. He uses the Steem blockchain to share his stories and earn cryptocurrency to buy food. Shortly after I met Edgar, a power outage caused a failure of the pump used to bring water up to the farm. A repairman confirmed the pump is beyond fixing. Edgar had been using his well to water his crops, and to provide drinking water to his children and nearby families. Without a pump to bring water up from the aquifer, his harvests are reduced - and the neighborhood must forage for water elsewhere.


( Edgar found his fishing spot too busy and dangerous to attempt fishing this week, but luckily was given a few fish by a man he had helped in the past. )

Without government water services, and now without water from his well, Edgar and a few other families are in a tough situation. I wondered what a poor Canadian man could do to help. After using the Steem blockchain to learn about the problems, I realized that it could also be the SOLUTION!

That's when I first began Mission Agua-possible! (The first post was here. I published a special video edition in week 43 here.) Once we gather 1300 USD worth of Steem, I'll transfer it to Edgar, to be converted to cash to buy the pump.

Water is life! It is vital we get this pump for the farm as soon as possible.

STEEM fell, again, sending our progress backward, again

Donations and upvotes were once again no match for the fluctuating price of STEEM this week, as the price fell from 0.22 to below 0.20, and our holdings dropped in value from $880 to $778.

That isn't to say this project lacks support, since there are several people upvoting every week, and some sending in regular direct donations to add to the total. As I've said many times, it is the price of STEEM that decides when we can afford the pump, not the considerable efforts of our awesome community, as heroic as they are! We are at the whims of the market and have to trust that it will take us to our destination soon. Thank you to the supporters and believers - you're making it happen!

Will you make the water flow, with us?

Much appreciation to those who upvoted last week:


Week 76

week 75 funds: 4174.737 STEEM

new funds:

  • week 75 post payout = 13.884 STEEM and 13.885 STEEM POWER = 27.769 STEEM
  • 50.0 STEEM direct donation from @Kunschj
  • you can send me cryptocurrency directly and your donation will be noted here

Total funds: 4252.506 STEEM

x 0.183 USD/STEEM = $778.21 USD (of $1300)

Current progress: 59.9%


Backsliding from 77% a couple weeks ago to 60% is somewhat depressing, but we remain above half way, and now have over 4200 STEEM in our holdings. It's still only a matter of time... although that amount of time appears to be increasing.

I had my first of 13 power downs this week. I was expecting in 6 weeks to have all funds necessary for the pump, but that doesn't appear likely now, unless STEEM takes a sudden large turn upward. But I'll proceed with the power downs, which will result in ALL my STEEM becoming liquid (ready to use). I now have ~600 liquid, and ~6000 powered up. When the price of STEEM says the project can be completed, everything will be ready. (Unfortunately, the power down means my vote on the weekly post and supporter comments will drop toward zero.)

The stock market crash this week, which was caused by coronavirus fears, also damaged the crypto market (and STEEM). Let's hope for a recovery - at least in cryptos! And stability for the people of the world, who are already under a lot of strain. I hope we can get this pump installed before more economies collapse and more neighborhoods need help!

Sometimes it seems hopeless, when hundreds of dedicated people working together can't even raise 1300 dollars in 2 years. The long term collapse of our cryptocurrency has kept this project from success, but can't stop us forever. I hope for the sake of Edgar's family that we succeed soon.

Upvoting this post is MUCH appreciated! 100% goes to the project.

Mission Agua-Possible will help many people, and inspire other great projects. It's a group success story, playing out on the Steem blockchain. Together, we're going to dramatically improve the lives of a whole neighborhood that really needs it!



Dang, we got our asses kicked again this week!
Thanks to @Xpilar and @Streetstyle and @Kunschj and others who are doing everything they can. When the STEEM price allows it, we will get this pump bought and installed!!

I see the months taking a toil on that man's face. He's doing everything he can, every day, to keep his family fed and hydrated and healthy and encouraged. It upsets me that this isn't completed now, long ago in fact. And that I can't do much about it.
Hang in there, Edgar. I guess you don't have much other choice.

Damn, that would've sucked to be at 100% and pull the trigger and then this happen. I'm sick of these crisis actors twitch twitch cough cough.

If you read all the hysterical headlines and stories and replace the word coronavirus with flu, it sounds ridiculous. Just for fun, we went to CNN front page just now and copy pasted all the front news coronavirus stories into a statistical word cloud generator that sizes the words according to frequency. It was especially easy to make thanks to a convenient montage of all the front page stories on the subject. Take a look. What it really says: #fear #hysteria #stayathome #virtualassembly #media #flu #consume #33 #bioweapon #infowar


Are upvotes on ALL your posts donated for the pump, or just those which mention the pump?

Pretty much everything I've ever made on the blockchain (2+ years) is going into this project, but to answer your question, only this post's payouts go directly in. With my other 5 or 6 posts per week, I'm trying to earn my way to a new camera, to keep my content coming. After 2.5 years I'm down several thousand dollars... so no camera yet!
Thank you so much for your 10.0 STEEM direct donation! That's a lot of earned money. I really appreciate that, and I'm certain that Edgar and his family do too.
See you this coming Saturday for a new update! Let's hope STEEM takes a turn upward again!

Hope steem pumps soon to get this project done.

Posted using Partiko Android

The only sector that did not crash last week was real estate.

Can't imagine that holding up too long, if everything else continues to tank!

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