Hey @andreicon can you help I keep getting an error "Unable to find boost libraries" when I run this command to build steem;
I have the library root and dir set in my .bashrc file for the environment variables but I am still getting this error.
export BOOST_ROOT=$HOME/boost_1_60_0
export BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=$HOME/boost_1_60_0/lib
can you help here, do I need to set some more environment variable?
I haven't been around on steemit lately, but i'll try to post a new, updated tutorial.
What i suspect is happening is you're downloading boost_1_57_0.tar.bz2 and extracting it to boost_1_57_0 but then setting the BOOST_ROOT variable to boost_1_60_0. If you could try to correct that to match the name of the archive you're extracting it should work.