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RE: Proposed Changes to Steem Economy

in #steem8 years ago

I have a question as I have never powered down. I have never had the desire to. One thing I noticed back in July was that if one accumulated enough Steem Power and you hit REFRESH on the browser you gained more steem power over time without doing anything. I then realized that if you reach a certain point that incoming steem power may actually become more than the 1% per week that powering down removes. This means someone could essentially reach a point where they could infinitely power down. I assume (like I said I haven't powered down) that you have something in the system so this steem power interest that is created out of thin air is not given to people powering down. Is this the case? If not then there seems to be a potential exploit there.

I personally don't have any intentions of powering down. What I have in steem power is for me NOT just a financial investment. It is also a steem cultural investment. I am willing to ride out the storms.