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RE: People Rank - Using Page Rank Algorithm for Better Curation and Rewards

in #steem9 years ago

We all have to accept the fact that MONEY is one of the top incentive/reason of many Steemit activities, like POSTING, CURATING, VOTING.

Below that, comes the other nobler motives of LEARNING, SHARING KNOWLEDGE, HELPING, etc.

So while, we may have the noble motives, the tendency of the greater number of Steemit users, is to look for posts that will give them MORE MONEY. We all know how that money happens with the current setup.

But keep in mind that the accounts which can put real money on a POST are controlled BY PEOPLE too, no matter if they be BOTS or a team of curators, they are essentially and ultimately influenced by the same motives that affect everyone else. THESE ARE:

  • TIME
  • MONEY (either to ADD to it by UPVOTING or to SUBTRACT from it by downvoting)

Which means WE ALL ARE attracted and LEANING to do the same things!

So as long as the FUNDS to be gained by a POST comes ONLY from VOTES of the users (regardless whether they be rich or not) the ultimate result will be the same. Because MORE NUMBER OF VOTES does not necessarily result in HIGH PAYOUT, people will still vote the posts that WILL GIVE THEM MONEY.

As I have suggested before IN THIS POST A part of a post's pay-out yield should come from a common SYSTEM WIDE fund, a portion of which which would be given to posts that can become POPULAR (getting many votes of legitimate steemit users) no MATTER if those accounts that voted GOT MUCH STEEM POWER OR NOT.

This is the only way to give a MORE balanced distribution of STEEM. If not, what ever algorithm is used in the future without a system wide fund to really reward REALLY POPULAR GOOD CONTENT. We will end up voting where there is MONEY TO BE HAD.

So, I firmly believe a SYSTEM WIDE PAYOUT FUND is the best solution at this moment. Although you can also OPT to change the pay-out algo, this fund should always be one of the things to be INCLUDED in the implementation.