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RE: Whales - Can the community buy out a portion of your influence?

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

I could not disagree more. The reason why steem has got to an all-time low is because of Whales. The people who are being responsible and trying to get this wonderful idea with dreadful leverage back on track are the people who actually make the effort to create content and not abuse the system. Who else can possibly be responsible other than whales?
There go several more voting bots!


When steem launched, its value was 0. It's not even close to an all time low. It is infinitely higher than it was a year ago. And you don't get to just assert without evidence that the reason it's low compared to July is because of "Whales." What does that even mean? Where are the studies and data that led you to that conclusion? Maybe its low because people have trouble with key and wallet complexities. Maybe it's low because of dissatisfaction with the UI. Maybe it's low because every third post is someone whining - yet again - about the steem drama of the month.

As to bots, when you're done with that crusade, maybe you can go convince Google to replace their supercomputers with an army of humans to populate their search rankings. Only humans can rank pages for search indexing, right? And maybe we can get Neflix to shut off the AI and use humans to create their movie recommendations.

I have just checked - you really do not know a thing do you - who whined? When you make a comment in a discussion like this, do not do it out of ignorance. Have you heard one whale making any comment about what matters, other than their balance? No, because of course they are culpable. A magnificent idea with a dodgy system of leverage, usurped by myopic, greedy people. How many subscriptions, how many accounts. Go read all about it in the digital forums - you will soon see.
The truth gets shot down whilst the gunners position is on a retreating sandcastle and the tide is coming in ... I have done the mathematics and it does not look good. Sycophancy will ensure a Myspace conclusion. I am just man enough to tell it like it is ... go on shoot all you want!! You will find blanks in your magazine.

It would be good to try and keep the debate about ideas and concepts, and not make it personal. I've found that most people here are pushing for what they view as best for the platform. At the end of the day there are right and wrong views, but people arguing bad ideas are not necessarily bad people.

I agree ... to put a smile on your face ... 'he started it, sir!'

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about ... get educated ... who can be blamed for this absolute mess other than the people with the power - I bet you are one of the greedy ones who intravotes incessantly to try to hold on ... grow up!

Maybe you should name names and point to specific bahavior of the whales you are talking about. I went though about 70 of your submission and personally would not upvote most of them and might bring them down should they reach the frontpage. Steemit is not big enough at this time for you to try posting stuff multiple times a day and expect more than a handful of real people to see your post. Actually you did post some great stuff so I don't know why it didn't catch on, maybe it's lost it get lost in your other posts. As people tend to upvote stuff from people they follow.

I do not mind criticism levelled at me at all. I welcome it as it shows that someone is listening and that they care. The comments which I have made about the behaviour of whales would not be possible if the platform had a system of fairness. My comments are not personal. Naming names is not going to be fruitful and I have been targeted sufficiently by the powerful voters much to my detriment. I am just prepared to stand up and be counted and voice my opinion. There are a massive number who feel the same way but stay silent in fear of the repercussions.
I have done the analysis and it is not pretty. Where else can responsibility for performance lie but with the SP owners. I hope that you do not feel that my analysis and work with a positive attitude towards steemit encourages you to join that throng! That would be a shame.
Yesterday I sent Ned Scott a helicopter view of the platform which I refrained from editing in the name of openness. I also sent him my spreadsheet from mid-December showing the numbers. There are contributing observations to go alongside these. I am happy to send these to you as well. My sense of care towards steemit does not have a pride - it is real.
I am not some young discontented soul! I turn 54 in a few days time. I have run public companies, blah blah. I have also worked in Digital Media with a Sydney based agency. My concerns are sincere and I have no problem with anyone seeing my research, so long as I don't get shot as the messenger! I would welcome any discussion about valuations and why steem is valued as it is and how the ship can be turned. If anyone thinks that this can go live with metrics like over 100,000 times leverage, they are seriously barking mad. The media will dissect it and comparisons to Facebook and Google will pale.Hi there @transisto, thank you for commenting and it seems you had a change of heart mid-stream! I am grateful for the interaction.