I guess most of you have already been through this and you can totally relate to this post. Here’s a story of my attempt to convince my dad to join steemit. :P
My dad is a principal in a school and he is occupied with his work most of the time. So, I thought introducing him to this community would help him get rid of work stress somehow and he would enjoy sharing thoughts and interacting with people here. So, I told him about steemit. And it was no surprise to me that he didn’t believe it.
I told him that we get paid for writing good contents here but he instead backfired me saying “If it was so easy to earn, everyone in the world would probably leave their job and just start writing and posting here.” I tried to make him understand but he tried to warn me. He thought it’s a scam and I’d been trapped by someone. He told me not to waste my time on this and invest it in doing something productive. He wasn’t ready to hear what I was explaining. He even told me to visit the doctor to get checked because he thought I was having some problem. (He wasn’t serious about that though. :p).
He wanted to know how we just got money in bank accounts out of nowhere. And I tried to explain him about the blockchain and cryptocurrency and how it works and blah blah. But then he wasn’t also ready to hear. He asked me for evidence when I told him that my friends have been paying for university fees with the money made on steemit. He asked me to show some kind of statement of bank that proved money in steemit being transferred to the person’s account. And I told him I would give him the evidence after I earned a decent amount and withdrew that money. None of my family members has really believed it. And I’m waiting to prove them wrong, especially dad.
When I had first heard about steemit from my friend, I was quite surprised but I didn’t react like this at all. I guess it’s just the human nature that we don’t really trust anyone or anything anymore once we’ve been betrayed. As I was telling my dad about steemit, he told me about how he had been fooled before like that. And it’s true that that are various websites which have turned out to be scams. And that’s why he wasn’t ready to believe me. The amount of resistance he was showing was kind of disappointing though. But I’m looking forward to actually proving him this.
I hope the good people of steemit can help me enlighten my good reluctant dad.
Image sources: http://flywithshaunak.com/funny-but-true-observations-on-family-indian-wedding/
Met your Dad the other day
lmao :D
does Steemit believe in your dad?

kkkkkkkkkkk... Very good!
Welcome Elisha to steemit! Here are a few posts that may help your dad better understand how it all works:
https://steemit.com/steem/@teamsteem/the-ultimate-steem-guide https://steemit.com/steem/@teamsteem/steem-an-in-depth-overview
And as for "central banking", perhaps this video by @dollarvigilante (currently one of steemit's most followed users) will help set your dad straight:Throughout history there have been alternative currencies. As long as people accept them, they have even become the major currency when governments inevitably crash and burn. Now, this is not to suggest any crypto currency as an "investment" (certainly not at these levels), but the only real qualifier for "money" is the confidence people have in accepting it as a "means of exchange".
Finally, as your dad is a school principal, I feel compelled to share this with you and your dad as well...
I'll certainly share these with my dad. Actually, cryptocurrency isn't known to many people here in Nepal. That's why it was unbelievable to my dad. I hope these will help. :D
I'd love to had the 2 article Alex commented have reach the top trending post the day they were posted so they were very well receive by those who have the most to lose and gain from Steemit success.
Oh wow...my husband made me cash out to make him believe that it was actually real money! Take him out to dinner with your Steem money to make him believe! Make him sit with you while you cash out some Steem and then show him when it's paid into your bank account.
I was actually thinking of doing that. Thanks for the suggestion. :D
experience the same a while ago. nice post very relatable.
Thanks for reading and commenting. :)
Tell your father he shall receive a visit from three spirits. That's how I get my dad to believe in stuff.
lol! I'm sorry but I have no idea about the three spirits. I'll try reading about it. Thanks! :D
@elishagautam My dad actually got me in to Steemit, he started about a week ago and is pretty sold. If your dad read into the FAQ's and how it works, I bet he'd be into too!
That's great. So, you are new here? Welcome to this great community! :D
Yeah, thanks! New as of yesterday!
Show him that he just made you over $100 lol
I think I should thank him for that. lol
As I am also rather new I was a bit sceptic also at first. Than I decided I just give it ago. And from there on (about some more than a week ago) I get intrigued about crptocurrency blockchain steemit and so on. I think one must just develop a feel for it and open your mind. Perhaps it is a little bit of a good comparisson with a religion. You either beleive or you don't. Sometimes proof is just not easy to find/explain.
He has no idea about cryptocurrency at all. I guess I should put a little effort in making him understand it first. Then, he will get a clear concept about steemit also. By the way, welcome to steemit! :)
Fair enough on his part. Anyone investing in steem is doing so out of sheer speculation.
In other news, I actually did convince my dad to get in on it...
Great. I hope my dad will be convinced if I provide him the evidence he was asking for. :D
Clever !!!
Upvoted and resteemed. I really hope the community gets together and show your dad that you can make money with blogging
Means a lot :)
Thank you so much! Just followed you.
I have a suggestion: offer (sell) things, goods or activities he likes most with prices in STEEM :-) If it works he can earn STEEM selling things and activities to you too. Good luck!
I'll tell him about this too! After the dinner perhaps :D
I'm happy you liked the idea. Maybe you can start offering his favorite dessert for the next dinner by 0.01 STEEM, promotional price :-) Good luck again!
That'll be great. Thanks again. :D
keep it as a hobby pas the time not to earn a living
Some people I know have problems with Steemit.
I really like @giantbear suggestion. Take him to the site, tell him (better yet, show him) that you didn't have to pay a single cent to open an account. Then do the whole dinner thing. On top of that, educate him about blockchain technology. I think most of us who adopted Steem first traded/mined in Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Or you can remind him that the government prints "real" money out of thing air.....
Thank you so much for the suggestion. I'll surely do that. :)
who have been there plese upvote this comment :D
I just did. :P
I think I'm a little older than you are, so I did indeed react like your father did. I was very skeptical, but instead of asking others for proof, I just put something like $2 worth of bitcoin in, then a couple days later I transferred some back out. This was sufficient for me to know that everything was on the up and up. Ask your dad for $20 of his money for the test, then do the transfers, recording all the screenshots for him, and ultimately showing him the money back in his bank account. I think this will convince him it's not a scam. If that doesn't work, he's a lost cause.
Great suggestion! Thanks :D
Great post! Lets win everyone over and prove nay-sayers wrong :)
Thanks! :D Yay
There are 2 types of people in this world when it comes to processing new information.
When type 1 receives new information (whether through verified or unverified sources), he'd take in all information he can from the source, asking question and listening intently when it's through word of mouth or reading the whole article/report when it's paper. And then he'd research for more information by other sources before making an inference. Not conclusion, inference.
Type 2 has a set of belief and dogma. When there is new information that challenges it. Type 2 would recoil and lash out defensively. Any new information that challenges to change his understanding of the world would be met with resistance, type 2 doesn't research, often would request anecdotal evidence when presented with hard data and facts and immediately demand hard data and facts when given anecdotal evidence.
Neither are born the way they are. These mindsets are cultivated through education (the real kind, not academic), being always updated to what's happening in the world and understands the Bayesian Theorem. Successful people who rises by means of their own effort often adopts the type 1 information processing process.
As for your case. Just Steem on. It's okay that you can't pull in anyone. Just post what you post on steemit and then link it to all your socials. Those who clicked on it will be curious about the dollar sign at the bottom and usually, those who asked you would be the ones who will join. This is called the funnel marketing. It's what Im doing and personally I don't really care if physical people around me don't know abut steem. They have access to the information. They just chose not to acknowledge it.
It's all of you awesome people on Steem that I love and care about. STEEM ON!
Yeah, that's something I have realized lately. You can't really force someone to be involved in something. We can notify them at least once but can't pull them in. Those who are interested will join and those who aren't will be missing out a lot. :)
Yay! Steem on. :D
I haven't read your article yeah but I will. You might want to mention to your father that all the cryptocurrencies combine are now worth more than the market cap of general motors just to name one. In fact there are now in the top 100 biggest company in the US.
I will have to first make him understand cryptocurrency because he has no idea about it.
And I'll further mention that to him. Thanks. :D
Good luck. I have read your article today and I must say your father's reaction is the typical reaction I've received and most of other Steemians too.
By now, I've realized that it isn't just my dad; many other people also find it crazy. And nothing much we can do. Thanks again! :D
his can only be summed up in one word. Excellent
Thank you very much dear friend @elishagautam for this material
Thanks for reading my post and commenting. :)
hope your happy because you have the proves.
I am. And I can't wait to actually show him the cash. :D
Ah :))) Good
Thanks mate! :D
Sounds like you have a good dad, be thankful, and tell him you are exploring new ideas and concepts. Most of us older generation don't understand the concept of creating money. The Federaly Reserved had us bamboozled for over a hundred years and the concept of creating money out of thin air is mind bending to most people, even today. ONE OF THESE DAYS HE WILL GET IT!
He is actually very understanding and always encourages me to explore and try new things.
That must be the reason behind his reluctance.
show this post to your dad xD
hahaha I think I should now. :D
See if you can your dad to read this post:
Oh sure! I'll make him read. Thanks!
Nice post by the way :)