Hello dimimp this was the amount you agreed to send.
You sent only the cash out of 1167 but didn't send the 2,000 steem for https://blochainguiders.com
Check the comment where you agreed here
Hello dimimp this was the amount you agreed to send.
You sent only the cash out of 1167 but didn't send the 2,000 steem for https://blochainguiders.com
Check the comment where you agreed here
@dimimp steemjetceleb account has host a logo contest for the official logo. I will like you to check it out sir.
I can proudly tell you that @steemjetceleb account have successfully upvoted 50% of steemjetters that use the tag.
@dimimp this is also to bring to your notice that #steemjetceleb tag is now trending on steemit due to the Upvote they get from the account, but the steempower given is not enough to make everybody get maximum Upvote. You can check out the #steemjetceleb tag to confirm what am talking about.
The main purpose of celebrities is to make things trend and hot, this is part of the aim of this account as we are also moving towards other achievements to promote steemjet
I will also be happy if you can take over this ongoing contest of steemjetceleb official logo, as you have done for zsteemjetrecords, I understand the fact that you may be busy, to do that. No problem sir. But you can sponsor this contest with liquid steem and @steemjetceleb account will judge it and announce the winner for the official logo. Am sure you see sense in this. Proof the same @dimimp that have been hosting graphic contest by sponsoring this contest to make more people to participate and it will enhance the community to grow.
Thank you for encouraging the idea sir.
Sure you understand the stand of celebrities in teaching crypto in the community and that is why you are taking it as a good idea. Am sure if you go through the purposes of this account sir, you will understand the fact that 10,000 delegations will not be enough for a start as you promised.
On this note It will be okay for this community account to get atleast 25,000 steempower as a start with 2000 liquid steem so as to catch the attention of this celebrities and this will also be used to Upvote steemjet musical contest and video contest and other steemjet related talent so as so encourage them. This will help @dimimp to easily achieve the aims of steemjet.
#God bless steemjet
#God bless @dimimp
#God bless all space force member
#God bless steemjetceleb
#celebrities we take us high.
Sir @dimimp, I wouldn't like to bore you with too much talk and waste your precious time in the process. I am aware that you've got a lot of projects at hand to complete before attending to any solicits or request from steemians but I feel this comment is worth your time.
@steemjet is incorporated with vast talents and I know you're a lover of good talent and good music so I want to show you my talent. My name is @lioneleagle and I am a pianist. The video below proves it
@lioneleagle and @msytiqueblinkx
so there's no denying that I am a good pianist. But i am not here to brag. Rather, I am here to seek for a position on the steemjet music department of the spaceforce. I am currently working with an SF7 member of steemjet @msytiqueblinkx and we're working on a project that we believe you'd like very much. This would be a huge step up to the music department as we plan on diversifying, applying the various genres of music. We also hope to work closely with the dance arm of steemjet and maybe in future, work with other members of the music department. I admire your generosity and I hope you find me worthy of your time and response and this would be greatly appreciated.
On the wings of steem......
Hahahaha man , don’t cause me more pains laughing bruh really ? Even the scriptures says “ye are gods “ are we not gods? You know the genesis fam . Not sure you have seen it but i am thinking of performing real smooth jazz music at the steem fest in November , what do you think ? spoke with lordjames the other day and he said a participant would cost bout $2000 that’s excluding visa fee and service application on each applicant I am looking on this with @yungchief and @etemi , roughly with the increase in the steem market , I was hoping you can sponsor the three of us on our movements with 8000 - 10000 Steem this would be a great achievement for us , and the steemjetmusic department , not only that it will bring A lot of experience , As I speak I already got my passports and some paper work ready i need your response on this ASAP . These are snapshots of a travel history to south Africa for a jazz show .
Yes, Dimimp. What is Entertainment on Crypto without a proper knowledge of Cryptocurrency. I believe Blockchain technology and Cryptocurrency is still at it infant stage in Africa, This is our opportunity to truly learn directly in Poland. Steemfest in Poland is a kickstarter for new things to happen in Africa. We need more hands on deck. Dimimp, please include us in the plan to Poland.
Hello @dimimp this is prayzz one of your employees.
This will be my first ever proposal so am hoping you will look into it..
I will be organizing a little conference at my community very soon where I will be telling people about steemit and steemjet.
Sadly enough no banners or flyers were printed. I had to go to house by house telling people about steemit due to the lack of finances.
A lot of them promised to show up for the conference and the plans are already in place.
I will like to ask you to give me some steem in other to cover up for some expenses and I will be creating instant steemit account for them .. Any amount of steem from you will be appreciated.
I just need your support as that will also motivate me to want to do more for this great steemjet community.