⏺Content getting cents on the dollar.. What do you do?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


I have had a few people ask me about what they can do about their earnings on Steemit. They are concerned because they aren't even able to surpass $1 on a post.. So, I thought I would make this post addressing this.

Now first off, I know, I am not making 1000's of dollars per post myself yet, so who am I to talk? Well, I don't believe it's at all about the money. It's about principals.

road steemit.png

If you expect to just join Steemit, put effort in for a few days, and just have a ton of people giving you 'free' money, then I'm sorry, it's your own fault for creating false expectations. You need to be more persistent than just losing faith so quickly!

Life rewards you for what you deserve, not what you want. Everyone wants things.. But not everyone can have them, because not everyone is willing to sacrifice the hours. So prove yourself worthy, and you will see the kind of incredible things that'll start to happen for you.

rock steemit.png

As much as hard work is very important, you also need to work smart. You need that mental edge. "If you motivate an idiot, all you'll have is a motivated idiot". What am I saying?

You need to start experimenting with your environment. On Steemit for example, you need quality upvotes to be able to get decent rewards on your posts. We can get technical, but I'd rather not. So let's keep it simple.

Look at the facts, someone with a lot of power is not going to go looking for you. It's just the way it works. You need their support, so prove to them that you deserve it. How do you do this? The only way to truly succeed on social media in the long-term.. Quality content and quality relationships! Remember, people don't care about how much you know, until they know about how much you care. People are emotionally driven, so use that leverage.

I don't want to overload my posts. I want to keep them easy to go through, and fun for the eye. Let me know what you think I can improve on. I'm always willing to improve and grow :)


I know these pictures aren't 100% to the post's theme, but screw it! It's the words that matter.

I hope you guys took some value from this post. In fact, I know you did! So leave your thoughts in a comment below. I enjoy interacting with you all!

More than how much this post can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, it would be awesome of you to resteem this, and share it with others!

Talk soon guys.

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.2K+ Followers.

You can join my success team by following my content and vision here: @ENAZWAHSDARB (525+ Amazing Followers Strong)


So true. I was just arguing with someone on YouTube comments that says Steemit is a scam because they were on it a week and made less than $1. It's a social platform and a long term play.

I love seeing people like that :D It's the funniest and most ridiculous thing to see people complain like that haha! Especially when they put literally no effort in.

Really great post. So true about the work behind. I have just gotten to be lucky enough to be visiting by a few with high power and I find that rewarding for the hard work I have done. It takes patients engagement is also inportant. Thx for sharing.
Again so usefull info. Upvoted resteemed

Hey @saffisara. Thanks for your comment. Yeah, you have worked hard with all your engaging these last few short weeks! Lady-boss! You are a great example of just DOING.

Talk soon. Thanks for your support :)

U are so welcome ♡ And thank u for being the amazing person u are.
U keep amaze me :0) Talk soon!

Thanks for your kind words :) Sure thing!

Ur welcome :0) and thank U

Nice post and good point. I guess starting out is the hardest and you have to put out quality content right from the start with hope that people will notice right away. It's hard to not get discouraged though, especially if you do put in the hours. Like this post, for instance:
It's something personal and I think it's really cool, but it only got 3 views to it. So that right there kind of brought me down.
Need to be patient and keep going and eventually people will notice. There's less than 300,000 users here total now, and this audience is a lot more sophisticated than most social networks. So it makes it even more rewarding when something you write actually creates a discussion.
PS: didn't mean to plug my own post, just using it as example of what could ruin all desire to continue ))

Great comment man! I get what you mean. The thing is, quality content is essential, but it's only half of the process.

You need:

  1. High quality content.
  2. Engage with as many people as possible.

You're doing the first one fine. There is still a few things that can be improved on if you're asking me (myself included!), but you doing good there.

But there is no use you put a ton of effort into your content, but no one knows about it.. That's why you need to get yourself infront of as many different people as possible. Engage like crazy, and slowly (without spamming) you need to incorporate having people go and see your content.

If you can be persistent with that, over time you will undoubtedly have a ton of followers, engages, and your posts will start being seen by more people :)

Anyways, I got to get on the grind. Talk soon.

Nice post. I think that will be the main challenge for steemit, most people are signing up to make money and its really not possible for everyone to make even 5$ per post

Yeah that is true. If you look at the numbers, it probably wouldn't be possible to give each person $5 per post. But then again, anything is possible. If you compare the total share of Steem Power compared to the amount of users here making posts, it could actually be possible.That would also depend on the price of Steem.

But the main moral of the story is the fact many posts aren't very well made. You can filter many people out of this equation by seeing the effort they're putting into their content. So the key is to just work harder than the rest :P

Nice comment. I trust we will talk again soon.

Engagement too is very good ;0) I shall follow you and see what you have in store!

Thanks @meesterboom. I appreciate that. Yeah, I think engagement is super important here too.

Talk soon.

It sure is! And we will! :O)

Oh by the way, what's your favorite car here?

It's that amazing yellow one! I wish you luck in your quest!

Thanks :) Yeah, I thought you might like that one. I think it's more of a gold color though.. Talk later :)

Nice post. As for me I'm fairly unworried about the amount my posts earn and more concerned with the followers who want to see my posts missing them. Right now however I've slowed down so my posts tend to be updates on why I haven't posted the things I wanted to post yet.

Nice comment. Yeah, I made a post the other day about how we shouldn't be here for the money.. It throws your actions off when that's all you focus on. You can't control how much a post can make, but you can control how many people try and engage with :)

Thanks for stopping by. I trust we will talk again soon.

Motivate an idiot, it will become a motivated idiot. Hard saying but truth. Hard work is a must, with dint of luck, success is achieved.

Haha yeah I suppose it could be harsh.. But it's just a choice. Anyone has the choice to be completely foreign to the situation, or to educate themselves to have a competitive advantage, so the 'idiot' really just needs to learn how to do things.

Agreed. Thanks for your comment. Talk soon.

If you are right in what you posted, they will not come to us to look for us! Lol you have to work hard to achieve the goals! I hope more advice! Ahh and about the photos I was just thinking about her, where are you from? Where did you take them? I like the third photo!

Thanks man. I don't know who this 'her' is that you're mentioning.. But, I live in Cape Town, South Africa. These were taken up in the mountains.

Talk soon.

Cool post, man, keep it up!

Thanks man. I appreciate that. Talk soon.

Wonderful photography work. Thanks for sharing! I have just upvoted your post ;)


Thanks a lot! I appreciate that :) Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment too.

Talk soon.

great thing about any money made on steemit now, it could be worth a lot more later

Yup, exactly! Good to see you have the right mentality. That's why it doesn't matter where we are price-wise.

If price is low, we get Steem for cheaper, meaning more power.

If price is high, we just make more on our posts, which looks better, but Steem is more expensive lol.

Nice seeing you here again! You're really going through everything hey :P talk soon brother. We need to iron that idea we spoke about too ;)

je je man but where is my money :)

Haha funny guy :P Thanks for stopping by.

Upvoted and also resteemed!

Thanks my dude! I will follow you for that. Talk soon.

Thanks for sharing i am following and upvote your post

Awesome :) Glad you liked it.

Thanks for stopping by.

This post received a 4.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @enazwahsdarb! For more information, click here!

What now? Who's Geetharao lol?

Did you even read the post haha? :P