⏺I’ve made many mistakes. Here’s the one I learned from the most!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

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Lately I run by the saying, "team work to make the dream work".. This however, wasn't always the case. I'm about to talk about something that I wouldn't usually just openly talk about.

I used to be so self-centered that I wouldn't take advice from anybody. I thought I knew everything and brought that into everything I did. I used to have the mindset that if I am doing things on my own that the only one I could blame was myself. In school, I hated team sports, and only did athletics, as I could rely on purely myself. I was completely closed-minded to others' opinions. Don't get me wrong, it's not terrible, it's just not the only way.
I started to realize that I was missing out on many opportunities because of my vanity. I started to do a lot more personal development, learning about the power of being able to listen to what other's have to say. There is only one thing you can do to fix this problem..

You need to humble yourself.

That's what I started working on changing. Trust me, I might not be the most humble person right now, or non-egotistic person out there, but it's about how much I have grown from that experience. If you knew the person I used to be, you would see the difference :) It's all still a working progress, but the point I'm trying to make is that it also doesn't matter where you currently are in your life. The only thing that matters is where you are going.

People don't care about where you come from, but only where you end up. If anything, the place you start will only edify your story so much more, the further down you start your journey.
You need to put your ego aside, and just start listening to other people's opinions more.

Show people how much you care, and they will return the favor! Most people run that strategy in reverse. They think selfishly, expecting other's to treat them like royalty first. It doesn't work that way. By listening to what other's have to say, you are showing them the respect they want to have. Most times if they are people of ethics, they will return the favor.

We don't know everything. No one does. The thing is, you never know when someone truly has a valuable opinion that you can learn from. Being humble also shows the utmost characteristics of maturity!

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For those of you who just scroll to the bottom without reading..

Here's a short summary:

In short, to build proper relationships, we need to put our ego's aside, and just listen to the opinions of other's.

To humble ourselves.


More than how much this post can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, it would be awesome of you to resteem this, and share it with others!

I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve.

I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned! Talk soon guys.

Today is my 28th day on Steemit. Let's go!

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.2K+ Followers.

You can join my success team by following my content and vision here: @ENAZWAHSDARB (582+ Amazing Followers Strong)

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i like your writing style i wish to write like you best of luck man

Thank you for that! I am hearing people say that more and more lately. It's really great to hear!

Thanks for stopping by :) See you boosted that comment nicely to the top hey :) Trust I will see you again soon. Talk in a bit!

click here!This post received a 3.9% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @abbasfxtm! For more information,

I like how much effort you put in your posts. It really shines through.
Of course you want a bigger audience. I think everyone should care about that alot. Once you hit 3000 followers it starts getting messy in a very good way. I've seen it in other accounts. Everything starts growing fast at that point.

Be humble, we will get there... Talk soon.

What's up my forex brother! Thank you for the compliment. I really appreciate that man. Seriously, sometimes something like just a few words can make all the hard work worth it!

Yeah I agree hey. between 3000-5000 that's when you start building momentum. Cannot wait.

See you at the top my dude. Talk soon.

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I really enjoy reading your post and I like your style of writing. I think you'll go very far here on this platform. Full Steem Ahead!!!! Cheers!!

Thank you for your kind words @wthomas! I appreciate that.

Nice to see you here. I trust we will talk again soon.

Ego is one of our worst enemies. The quicker we master it, the quicker we will be able to change the world around us.

It's exactly that! :) It's great to see others understanding it!

Nice to have you here @pisolutionsmru! I am producing content ever 12 hours about. Talk again soon.

Agreed, you reflect what you give out. We are social creatures really and need to reach out and connect with each other. Admittedly sometimes it can be harder to connect with some people than others! Lol

Thanks for your nice response :) Very true.

How can we make friends if we don't connect with one another! Thanks for stopping by. Are you new here? If so, then welcome to Steemit!

Talk soon.

Yes, I'm new. Still learning the ropes and trying to familiarise myself. Thank you for the welcome.

Only my pleasure :) You are welcome to go through some of my posts. A few of them have a rated (By other readers) as decent resources for newer members :)

You are going to learn a lot in the next 30 days if you work with things. I sure did :)

Talk soon.

Thank you, I certainly plan to.

Let's go! Turn on the hustle and press your 'grind' on if you must :)

I will support those who deserve the rewards! Talk soon.

interesting thoughts and I agree with you, "to build proper relationships, we need to put our ego's aside, and just listen to the opinions of other's." ^_^

Hey Silvia :) Nice to see you here!

I'm glad you found value in what I have to say. I trust we will talk again soon. I just made my latest post a few minutes ago too. See you soon!

yea, everything you mentioned in this post is so true but at the same time its such a fine line to walk ya know, you cant be too humble or you'll end up being timid/shy/fearful, and you can't take other peoples opinions too seriously- the people that care about you usually want you to play your life safe and to be very successful you have to take big risks.
like how you are on steemit, you're spending a lot of time on here, time you could be spending at a job making a guaranteed paycheck.

I agree wholesomely overall but feel like the two major points humility and taking in others opinions need clarifying.

having a mentor is great, your mentor should be someone that is at where you want to be, I don't think you can take advice seriously from people that probably don't know what they're talking about.

like me, this whole comment is advice but I'm just a 21 yr old dude that's on the same road as you.

Shit son! Good to see you brother. Very good additional points! It's true, and I 100% agree with those 2 factors. You cannot be too humble, and you cannot be too accommodating. You definitely need to find that 'sweet-spot' and work within there.

Very true too. This is all a risk lol. However, at the same time, that's for a whole other discussion comparing the characteristics of the 1% versus the 99%. Good example though.

Well yeah, the way I see it, it's got nothing to do with my or your experience.. But rather everything to do with the person who needs help's judgement to fit their criteria for what they want to achieve.
For example, we might not be the most financially successful people yet, but confidence plays a huge role. Confidence and knowledge (combination) can in many cases over-ride personal experience in my opinion.

This is really well written :)

Thank you @dragonslayer109! I appreciate that. Good to see you. Hope to see you around here more often :)

What country are you from?

I am from the African community but I am from South Africa

Lekker! So jy kan my dan verstaan? :P

You have to give in order to take and listen in order to talk

Exactly that :) I like that one! One of mentors taught me about the 3:1 rule. You should listen 3x more than you speak.. It's tough, but again, a working progress :)

Thanks for stopping by. Talk soon.

We live..we learn..great post :)

Thanks for helping everyone out @Leyla5. It is very humble of you!

Thanks for sharing this experience, it is a good lesson to all.

Thanks for that @Rynow! Nice to see you here again. I appreciate that.

Talk soon. Hope to see you around more often :) Have a great evening!

Over-Coming ego is the beginning of character modification. As soon as that is done then the person becomes open to learn from any available source.

Exactly. My man you've got it in a nutshell hey :)

very nice content. Love it! and also ofcourse to be humble.

Hey, Haley! Thanks for stopping by :) I am glad. It's such a strong characteristic to be humble. Everyone needs to practice this one :)

I trust we will talk again soon.

I was once like you, I learnt my lesson the hard way... But we changed that's the best part, we will still be making the same mistake.

Yeah man, that's what it's all about hey :) We just need to fall forward and keep on improving!

Thanks for your comment. See you again soon.

Very well written and i loved reading your post. I think its true, you should do the team work to make your dream work.

Hey Cas! Good to see you here bro! Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the read. I'm always here if you need any help!

Really amazing. Ur way of telling things goes right to the ♡
Being humble is right way and to let others in can give u so much.
Just by the way u open up and honest describing ur change is so amazing.
I cant belive u ever were ego....lol
I have seen a difference in u but its more of growing. For everytime I think u have hit the roof......u go and write this. Have to open the tower now. U are going up man.
Loved ur post and love being able to follow u and see u grow.....

If the things I am saying goes to the heart, then my job is 90% done! Thanks, Sara :)

I do want to be transparent here on Steemit, I figured if my people can trust me, it'll take that far.

Yeah, I mean don't get me wrong, it's not like I was some egotistic maniac!! But I was just quite ignorant towards the things people used to tell me :) That's all. So now, learning to listen and relate to people more, it really is a lot better.

Yeah, we got to build that tower together! It's our project :P

Im sooo Proud of U. Open up and being honest like that...people can relate to that...even me when it comes to the listening part.
I have always listen to people but I realice I never really heard.....not in the way I hoped.
But I know that I listen now with my ears and ♡ and thats a change I have seen in last 3 years. So much easyer and rewarding to really listening and just be.
U have come far and belive me - were u go others will follow....me too....lol
I mean om our journey together as partners to reach to the top. Tower top....lol
You Rock in every way °°//°° dont really know what that was....just thought it looked cool.

Ohh...sorry to much to say again....I have like mouth diarrea or something....lol

I think it's 'verbal diarrhea'.. :P

Is it just me, or did what you say make it sound a lot more gross.. :D haha

Hahaha.....lol No ur right my way sounded kinda bad :0)
Verbal diarrhea....sounds better ....but still
Just couldnt stop myself....u know me.
Once I start...... u better ------> ruuun ....haha

Hahaha that's hilarious :D Yeah lol I'm used to it by now :P

°°//°° You're awesome my friend! °°//°°

You're right, it does look cool lol

Quick heads up, your power level is at 30%.. You need to ease down a bit on your upvoting throughout your day :) It takes longer for your power to regenerate when it's lower, that it does when it's higher.

Talk soon :)

÷÷^&^÷÷ U're even more awsome ":-¥)"
Yeah....fun it really looks cool......lol
Hey thanks for the heads up, I have totally forgot to check my votepower, great to know.
See u looking out for me ♡ love that.
Thank U for being ur Awsome self.
Talk soon

Mabye I should write a novell or something, some people say the words just flyes out of my mouth......my words were not so clean...lol

I think that's a great idea :) That's fine, you can just put all your words into a giant compilation, and then hire and editor to edit it for you lol. Easy peazy!,

Yes that might be a great idea....lol
I just think the editor would go like.....ohhhahh
Does this just go on and on and on.....never
ending compilation....lol
So I end up dressing all the walls in the tower with all the words...Easy Peazy....loved that.
Ur so great and funny. Makes me smile everytime.

Loved your post! Keep doing these!

Thanks a lot for that :) Appreciate it. Does that mean I will see you back here soon?

@darnscotty@enazwahsdarb, have you done any meditation to help with the process of humbling yourself?

Meditation? Sorry, elaborate please? :P

click here!This post received a 3.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @enazwahsdarb! For more information,