Vote only on new content that you know others would upvote too.
Try to vote when you are one of the very first users to find a great post.
Let your Voting Power regenerate from time to time,so your upvotes would be worth more.
Don't vote on old or already popular posts.
Vote on a post after atleast 15 minutes.
Awesome post! I love these tips. Thanks for this.
My question is: Why only after 15 minutes?
Thanks mate much appreciated and glad you liked it =)
There is a "reversed-auction" protocol on the steemit curation system,so basically if a post gets upvotes within the first 30 minutes of the post,most curation rewards will go to the author.But if we vote atleast around 15 minutes after a post,a bigger share of curation rewards will be payed to the curators.
Here is a bit better of a explanation: