Group Of Locals
There was a person local to my area that was going out and onboarding people in person. She was a friend of a family friend and heard I use to be into crypto and asked me to check out Steem. She even ran a welcome account that had a trail and my intro post was treated kindly for how bad it was. I ended up joining around the same time she had on-boarded a couple of others.
This made it easy to find a couple of people who were starting out. We would sometimes talk till 3 am or later about the platform. Posts that we have found that were helpful and so on. It was a little community at the time and since I picked things up rather quickly I spent a fair amount of those long conversations helping others out.
On quite a few occasions I’ve spent time chatting with newer people in discords and on Steem answering a lot of questions. I was blessed to have a support group when I first started. I tried to return such kindness a few hundred times over.
What has changed since then?
I am the last remaining person of that small group of locals. Sometimes they will check out Steem again but are quickly reminded why they have moved onto other things.
I stop going out of my way a few months back to answers questions in discords when I stepped down from everything I was involved with at that time. There used to be some big names back in the day that would go out of their way to help people just starting out. I don’t blame people for not doing that as much these days. I’ve lost count how people I’ve caught “starting over” and acting “new” while down powering their couple-month-old accounts. This is somewhat amusing since they will never build anything beyond just being that.
I’ve changed more than anything else. I started off thinking I would post about crypto, accounting, business, and personal finance. That did not last very long I create one article about internal controls a long time ago and that was about it. Now most gaming when I do post.