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RE: Posting + Hodling = $$$

in #steem5 years ago

At this price point it be silly not to hold. There is a heck a lot more potential for it going up in the next year and only so little left to go down.

When it does go up I have plans to do what I did the last time I sold a little during high prices. Invest it back in on my ability to create content and help cover some of my costs. Ultimately a strong Steem price in the future will help speed up my growth from investing a lot of time and a little money in and change it into spend a lot more money and getting to spend a little less time.

Insane Steem prices would enable me to hire some part time help to start managing stuff I rather not to further increase my growth. So I could mainly focuses on what I want and let people who have a better understanding of stuff I don't do their thing.

That is what I hope a strong future Steem price will do for many and the platform.