That is great I hope you keep making short and to the point guides like this. There is a lot of wealth of information that new people need. I’ve been here for a while and I often forget just how much needs to be learned by someone starting out. Those topics can be rather hard for new people. When I first started out one of people I followed was into creating short guides and he did that for quite a while. Sometimes they did well others times not so much. After a while he developed his own kind of content and moved away from that.
How is your Heathstone game play going? I’ve not played that game in over a year. I was always a f2p player so I got rather bored with it after a while. I did play The Elder Scrolls: Legends for a while. I got bored of the daily f2p grind though. I’ve not check in on that game in a while. Many where hoping some kind of esports would come out of it. Many seem to just love the extra lore from another Elder Scrolls title and just loved it being a card game.