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RE: Cryptocurrency Price Predictions for July 2017!

in #steem7 years ago

I just heard a blurp on the Lame Stream about Ethereum & how good it was..LOL
If the Lame Stream News is pushing it, it raises a red flag to me..
I read about the fork a few moons back, & it sounded scary to me..It went against all the reasons what blockchain currency was all about..
O yea, & about all this hacking that has just been making the rounds of late..I believe it's gonna get a bit more nastier down the road, cause the banks aren't sitting around twittering their thumbs..
FYI; The NSA has been developing some very nasty malware, & don't think it's gonna sit on a shelf & collect dust..LOL


Don't forget, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Yes indeed, I'm sure that Jerry's price predictions are much more precise than mine would be any day of the week..I'm not doubting Jerry's skills at all, I'm just adding some insight of my own is all..
I am about to enter the world of cryptocurrency & l am doing lots of research..To put things plain & simple..I don't trust the banks, & don't forget that they control parts of the government..This is exactly why the crypto world got a little unnerved when the government stepped in to regulate any businesses that deal in crypto buying & trading..
PS: If Jerry is correct on some of his predictions here, I would say a wait & see strategy makes sense for now.. Thanks for the response Lex..
This just in;
Like I said in my previous comment, if I hear it on the Lame Stream it raises a red flag to me..