The State Of Steem

in #steem7 years ago


As I write this the price of Steem

and seems to be trending steadily upwards.
The market as a whole isn't doing exceptionally great.
It's not really BAD
But nothing like what I've seen.
Not enough to drive up the price of Steem

what HAVE we here?

very interesting.
no other coin in the top 30 is doing that well.
I wonder why?
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Reckon SMT has anything to do with the increase in the price of Steem?


I think this could be the much needed incentive for people to buy more steem.

Thanks for the intel Everitt, this is my first time hearing about this new token layer. I was wondering why the price was up so much today.

Time to do some research.

Me too .... what a great day

It always has its time I've noticed. Throughout the month it goes as low as $1 then a week or so later, it begins to pick back up and goes upto 1.5-.6 . It's very consistent, which I like

I have this odd feeling that this time it won't stop there.
Perhaps $2 this weekend?

I agree, the way it climbed up today was pretty impressive , we shouldn't settle for less

The price gains are impressive! I am also having trouble getting my head around it, but if it enables people to grow, profit and creates an improved use for Steem... This could be spectacular.

damn i have sold my eos :( befor they even add the cap

Very nice @everittdmickey ...upvoted...blesdings