August 1st approaches.

in #steem8 years ago

Yet the market remains in turmoil.
The Market in general follows BitCoin in particular.

BitCoin has been a roller coaster.
Up one day..then down the next.

the same with STEEM

down sixty cents in a matter of a day or so.



Let the zen be with you


Doesn`t matter what will happen, because in 10 years from now, whoever have invested these days in crypto will be a millioner!

humans are so emotional... ;-)
keep in mind everyone can fork bitcoin:

Yes! I feel a soft/hard fork conversation coming on

Yaa I don't know what happened going with btc. I thinks I need to take rest from cryptotrading and going to visit some awesome place!! Well thanks thanks for sharing with us @everittdmickey!!

you're welcome.

We're going down the ladder. WE are being forked really bad. thanks for the info @everittmickey. nothing to worry.

Hopefully we will get some very cheap coins in the coming days :)

We will see

Going to be very volatile the next week or so I'd guess... And then maybe a massive drop (so buy buy buy)...
Will eventually recover and we'll look back at this one day and laugh ;)

I have a feeling, the plug on the markets will be pulled this September; brace for impact.

Can hardly blame people for pulling out at least temporarily.

Bitcoins may just vanish into the nothing next month