I've been watching the price of Steem fluctuation in the $3.90's for quite a while.
Steem ascended to the $4.00 level again...and, however hesitantly..is inching up.

It's about damn time!
The top ten is doing better too.
That might have (probably does) have something to do with the increase.
But the fact that Steem did NOT decrease lately Is...
I've just noticed that there seems to be a LOT of trading going on...not just Steem but the whole space.
The numbers are blinking like turn signals..
er....that might have been a bad analogy.
'blinking like fire flies'..
there..that's more accurate.
I can certainly tell you @everittdmickey that I am thrilled to see not only have we hit the 4.00 mark, but its been amazing watching it hold/make gains. I believe it was yesterday, or maybe the day before, STEEM was the only currency listed with a positive gain!
yup. one of eight in the top one hundred.
oh wait..that was earlier...
I do believe that you are correct...
You want to get excited? go check the price of sbd according to busy .org
0.0004262 BTC(9.08%)
Steem Dollars
0.0011400 BTC(72.05%)
I was like ohh yeah... then checked rest of markets....
$10.46 I could definitely work with..
but the ticker I'm looking at shows $3.44
Okay, I placed a bad voodoo on us, no more me speaking STEEM prices being it was 3.94-3.98 just a second ago!
never fear...it'll go back up.
Really good news. I love the greens
....this could not have come at a better time, for me.
this is good for us in the steemit community.we are holding good against the rest.hopefully,this will continue to gain steam.
I visualize a tendency of sustained growth, which gives the sensation of being firm movements and well thoughtl; nothing of jumps that can disperse the market ... "Without hurry but without pause"
Like a glacier..
previous day we saw that the market sudden become red but its turn into green with a full spec just after few hours, hare is also see that steem going like a bull
We @ $4
Can We get Hi$5
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see it before this time tomorrow.
To the moon! Ok, to a little moon for now. But we are enthusiastic :)
Really encouraging stuff. I do like the way it's inching up nicely, no rush. Have a feeling it'll keep this up for a while
me too...
the VOLUME was low...
it's dipped below the $4.00 level as we speak
if the volume increases?
I think it's a matter of when the volume increases. It's been going pretty steady and a continued swing upwards is a huge possibility
I think so too.
when that new exchange in China comes on line.
there will be an opportunity for a YUGE increase in volume
Exactly. Crypto's gonna make us rich, I really believe that 😂
There's a distinct possibility that is correct.
Very nice info ..steem update. How are you bro?.