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RE: New Steemit Preview w/ Notifications and Medium Style Editor

in #steem8 years ago

Good point.
You just indicated another thing that should be added. A 'read post" indicator..
I dunno how it would play out in all the details. That's why I posted the suggestion. Perhaps people (like you) can come up with some ideas. Perhaps the Devs will take the best of those ideas and implement them.

It would seem that at the moment there is a problem that needs to be fixed. I've made a suggestion toward fixing it and you've commented on modifying that suggestion.

Good plan.


I think many higher up actually like some of the upvoting bot activity, or things like auto voting certain users.

How would this affect steemian or where people can choose to Autovote or follow the votes of another user?

With posting occurring 24 hours a day and curation based upon when upvoting occurs, I think users will always lean towards automating some aspects of it.

Does that make sense?

Using 'autovote' of any sort is NOT curation. It's processing.
If we want to process the steem stream...that's fine.
...but let's be honest about it.
Curation has a whole nuther meaning.

I see both sides to this..

  1. The bots are created by the creators therefore can be altered by the voting pools, kind of like we are doing now.. Also, I feel like if it weren't for the bots then my posts wouldn't have done as well as some of them have granted I stink at writing. lol
  2. These bots could effect the thought process of their masters similar to a dog and his master..