Why don't my posts make more money?
It seems that everyone is concerned about that.
Even those who claim that they are not on Steemit FOR the money. It's still ABOUT the money....other peoples money. Those nasty capitalists are not earning their money in an approved fashion.
Approved by whom you may ask?
Why approved by THEM of course. It's just not RIGHT that some folks can make a bunchaton of money posting about silly TRIVIAL things when THEY, up on their high horse, sanctimonious and self righteous, get very few votes (if any) posting about IMPORTANT stuff. They think DEEP thoughts...and everyone else is shallow. It's OUTRAGEOUS...they threaten to leave the platform.
Yet they never do.
But I digress.
Engaging Content & High Paying Content which triggered me and got me to thinking.@humanearl just posted
I might be able to shed some light on the subject.
Disclaimer: I'm just a fat minnow who doesn't play well with others. What I think I know might be wrong. What I think I know I learned from trial, error, and observation over the last sixteen months or so.
You have been warned.
What are the factors we are spoken of?
Obviously the major consideration is VOTES. Not just ANY votes either. WHO votes for your stuff is VERY important. That is, how much SteemPower do those who vote for your stuff have?
If a minnow, or minnow-bot (new term I just made up), or even a swarm of them, votes on your stuff it doesn't compare favorably to the vote of ONE Orca...much less a whale (or even a dolphin for that matter).
What attracts them? Why vote on YOUR stuff rather than the thousands and thousands of stuff posted by others?
SMALL, almost inconsequential, attractors are subject matter, formatting, pictures, spelling, etc. etc etc. Humans judge your posts by stuff like that and many others. It's a matter of taste thing. It's the market. You cater TO your market...you can't make the market do what YOU want it to.
HOWEVER....95% of the votes on Stemit are by bots. Bots don't care about any of that stuff. Bot's DO NOT CARE...period. They are incapable of caring, thinking, evaluating, or CURATING. They're parasites that live off the creation of others.
What can we do about it?
That's the way it is.
Certainly the game is rigged..but if you don't play...you can't win
Deal with it
I think I've figured it out. Bot's are like flies...which are attracted by smell. They love the smell of money. If you HAVE money..they want some of it. Bots 'vote' on posts from accounts that HAVE money. Or in Steemit terms...HIGH STEEM POWER!
If you have a large amount of SteemPower you will attract more bots than if you don't.
What can you do about it?
first you can post a LOT.
A bunchaton of posts will attract more flies...er...I mean bots..than very little.
Target your market. Post what your followers WANT. Post quality...as defined by the people who follow you...the reason they follow you in the first place.
Why bother? Bot's do all (most) of the voting?
Well here's the thing. All of your followers have parasites...er...I mean 'bots that follow THEM. If they (your followers) are attracted to your posts (because of quality) the bot-swarm that follows THEM will (maybe) vote on it too.
That's one thing....here's another thing.
Fake it until you make it
By that I mean leverage. By that I mean delegation.
Bots can't tell the difference between an account with 50,000 home grown SP or one with 1,000 homegrown SP and 49,000 delegated. RENT some SteemPower.
There are several services who are doing it.
Be careful. Do your OWN due diligence. Check it out for your ownself. You're a big boy (gurl) now.
So...in summary.
Post...a lot.
Post good quality.
Fake it till you make it.
THAT's how you make money on Steemit
Simple and to the point, everyone wants their money now though!
An eye opener thanks for sharing. Will be implementing all of the suggestions made here to my Steem account. Merry Christmas.
Your welcome and happy new year to you too (christmas is past...hope you had a good one)
Christmas was great,looking forward to the new year.thanks for the upvote.Happy new year in advance.
You never fail! @everittdmickey , I've been a huge fan of yours, I learned a lot on how to play the game here. Last week I learned about buying steem from your post and now this one! Thanks!
you're very welcome.
i live to serve.
You are absolutely correct as to the way it works. Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year!
Fake it till you make it, im definitely getting some sp lease soon, well i post once a day and i believe thats fair enough thanks for this post sir @everittdmickey
This suggestion is based on experience i guess, so will i no key into it, afterall experience is the best teacher.
I should go complete my next post
Appreciate the mention and I really think your points are valid. That was my understanding was that it's not just one thing as to why a person's payouts are not higher.
People do lean towards the look and feel of certain posts. We all can learn and make adjustments to how we produce content. Thanks for the insight brother.
you're most welcome.
Good post. Which steemrent you recommend? I dont have experiences but minnowbooster looks fair to me..
I don't know anything about minnowbooster. I havn't checked it out.
I use blocktrades myself...seems fair.
A great post believe me. Thats how it really works here now a days. Fake it till you make it :) Merry Christmas!
Good advice as always my friend! Most of THEM nasty capitalists are also the ones that took a big chance investing their hard earned dollars!
yup..the ones who manage to keep it most likely are.
the ones who loose it (as in...a fool and his money are soon parted) more than likely inherited it, won a lottery, or received their money EASY.
i is not a bot ;-) very insightful post and after about a week of trying out steemit I am still not rich, lol. I didn't know about the parasites and how they might latch onto me so thanks for the tip. I can also say I feel like one of those pouting wanna be rich folks, I was amazed that my cat posts were profitable and my brilliant politics resteems got ignored.
strange huh?
been here a week?
that LONG?
still not rich. You must be doing something wrong.
Send Me all of your steem and I'll think about the problem.
I might (no guarantees) do something about it for you..
😂😂 probably been upvoting wrong posts, lol
If it is annoying to see how many publish any nonsense and earn many votes and money others we create informative content or any topic of interest and we receive nothing.
people may be commenting here to get reward but i commented here because i am interested to get some knowledge
Most of what you say I vehemently agree is true. As I am probably one of those you refer to as 'claiming not to be here for money, yet concerned largely with the money of others.' (I paraphrase) I try to acknowledge that, and also to support my concerns as being due to some of the factors you describe in this post.
Honestly, I'm not so concerned with money as to how it is used via bots to increase the concentration of money - because that increases the lack of social interaction, which is why I am here.
Since money is how this platform is becoming less social media, and more bot-mining, my posts have increasingly been concerned with how money impacts Steemit.
But, enough about me. I am sure you didn't post this to hear about me.
Let's talk about bots. I have posted a mechanism which can greatly diminish the ability of bots to vote. It may not completely eliminate them, but the mechanism I propose here is shown across the web to dramatically curtail bots, wherever it is used.
What is true is that the 39 whales on Steemit probably all use bots, either directly or indirectly, to make money from their stakes, and also control the witnesses with their stakes. This means that it is against their financial interests to change how bots work (and their control of the witnesses means they control the code) unless they can be made MORE able to mine posts for Steem, rather than less.
So, even if bots can be eliminated completely, with this, or a similar mechanism, I don't expect them to be, and your statement that they can't, while I think it's technically incorrect, is true in spirit. They won't be eliminated, or even limited. If ways can be found to increase them, they probably will be employed.
Check out Hashgraph, though. No bots required!
Merry Christmas!
I share a lot with you. Specially the claim of “not for money” but I found myself chasing it now. Here is why. I like to write quality posts and I did write few. It went unnoticed. The reason is explained very clearly by everittdmickey. I have to make enough money (SBD) until I am able to push my posts to the trending or at least the hot list on the tags I like. I have followed his advice and play with what we have. Hopefully I would not get addicted to chasseing the money and not bother writing any thing at all. Having said that, as a social experiment steemit prove the fact that some kind of fair rules are required and rules must be enforce by some kind of authority. People are incapable yet to govern themselves by themselves yet. Wheals will swallow all the small fish driving it to become extinct and the wheals will starve to death.
If you're here for rewards, invest your time accordingly. I am here for other reasons, so I post and comment differently than I would were I chasing rewards.
My only financial goal is to meet my needs, which are simple, until I die old. I am already old, so I'm mostly done chasing money.
My goals on Steemit are much more about interacting with others, to learn what they know I don't.
I think whales on Steemit have pretty much done as you say, sadly. They may have met their goals, but their goals for Steemit aren't my goals. It doesn't matter to them whether I approve or not, however.
Still, I try to persuade them to make changes that will grow Steemit, and better distribute Steem.
Merry Khristmas to you too.
and a happy NudeYear.
I've heard about Hasgraph...
it's intriquing.
if someone were to make something similar to Steemit
using hashgraph.
I'd be SO there!
From the descriptions of Leemon Baird, it seems that they are presently licensing Hashgraph. I bet they'd license it to you cheap, because Baird seems quite interested in social media, and very aligned with your interests, and lives, or at least developed Hashgraph, in TX.
Austin, IIRC.
You might be able to withstand the liberals long enough for a meeting with Baird.
If you do, I'd dump Steem into the license, too.
Wouldn't hurt me none to put my Steem where my teeth gleem.
I have a graduate degree in Business Management.
That taught me very well that
I'd SUCK at being a manager.
25 years of trucking confirmed it.
so no.
I wouldn't take a license myself.
but I'd be very interested in someone who did.
yes and no.
I mean you're partly right.
and partly wrong.
and off topic.
Imagine santa's elves...
poor little guys..they're making presents as fast as they can..
now imagine a (thousand or more) computers...making steem.
who assigns the value to the presents that santa's elves make?
who assigns the value to the steem?
Let me put it another way
a. read the white paper
b. read about eleventy zillion posts on steemit that 'splain
note: between the time you axed that question...and now.
I made $111.00
SBD transfer from wallet to BlockTrades to Coinbase ....
and now it's appreciateing..
why do I CARE where it comes from?
I'm making money off of it.
scratch that...
make it ANOTHER $60..
almost $200 in the last twenty minutes..
I don't. I submit you are actually wrong, at least about me.
I have no means of withdrawing Steem, even though I actually thought I needed to last week.
I cannot spend one satoshi of it.
When this occurs in a financial system, it causes downwards price pressure on the currency.
I don't think you want that to happen, unless I misunderstand the tenor of your remark.
When more money is dumped on the market than there is a demand for, the value of the money decreases.
Even though it is physically impossible for me to use Steem as money directly, the value of Steem is something I very much want to see increase, as the value of the platform to me is dependent on the value of Steem.
I believe we both want the value of Steem to rise. Am I correct?
Perfectly understandable.
I don't either.
The people who make the rules...who write the code..
think differently than we do
They're PROGRAMMERS...a different breed.
They don't speak the same language that we do.
When they use words that we think we know what they mean.
they don't.
So..the best you can do is the best you can do.
Don't Sweat the Petty Stuff
Don't pet the sweaty stuff
Steem ON!
You're no fun!
The programmers don't control Steemit. They work for those that do.
There are 39 accounts that own 93% of the Steem in the world, and the devs work to satisfy that market.
The fact that Steem is increasingly concentrated at an accelerating rate in those accounts shows the devs are doing a good job.
You are quite inspirational. I have somewhat emulated your model, although I post less. Your refusal to buy votes, or self-vote, remain startling examples of integrity, even though you clearly are willing to work hard to attain to rewards.
I have only seen you self-vote but rarely, maybe twice. Given your interest in rewards, your integrity is extremely admirable, and your success shows that neither bots, nor self-votes, are required to succeed on Steemit.
Thanks very much for your example.
I hope you are having the best Christmas of your life, right now!
I self vote strategically.
quite a lot actually
you must have missed it.
not comments though
that would not be strategic
according to my master plan.
I do spend my attention around the place a lot. I probably miss more of your posts than I see.
You can't make Steemit succeed, or make Steem rise. You can contribute to both, by posting and commenting substantively.
I hope those aren't the primary goals you have in life.
I suggest you decide what your personal goals are, in terms of your interaction on Steemit, and proceed to achieve them accordingly, while learning as much as is reasonable about how things work.
As you learn new things, adjust your goals accordingly.
@everittdmicky has written a great success story on Steemit, and you can hardly go wrong following his model (if not his advice).
The world isn't fair, and doesn't care what you think. Make of your life what you will. As long as Steemit let's us interact, you'll make my life better, and I'll be grateful =)
Merry Christmas!