BACKWARDS...so you'll see it everytime you look in a mirror.





This applies to Steemit.
Post, vote, Comment.
every time you do so you make a little bit.
maybe not a lot..
but a little.
You make a HELL of a lot more than you do anywhere else.
don't be discouraged by the Nattering Naboobs of Negativity.

and carry on.
nickles and dimes
(on Steemit)
eventually add up.
There's more.
Right now BitCoin is
Steem is

every dime you make on Steemit
is worth
and rising.

3 million miles without an accident... proof of someone who has done it. I am referencing another post, but I believe you have earned the privilege of speaking with authority.
thank you.
Good article i like
You first and I hope you have a big fore head :)
Just teasing you :)
Good post !
I was BORN stubborn.
Good post, Everitt
I've got one of those stories from childhood. I was born with club feet (inverted feet) that, in the 1980's, had to be slowly turned outward. Every doctor I had said the same thing; no impact sports, no running, concentrate on swimming, etc.
One doctor, Dr. Frank Hamlin (who listened to Gwar while performing surgery) said to my dad, "Release the kid. He's not strong enough for me."
And that, Everitt, kicked off a great childhood of climbing trees, hunting squirrels, and becoming a college athlete.
That's why this post was important to me.
glad you liked it.
Nike - "just do it".
It's so weird that some people who are just afraid about themselves (or don't believe im themselves) say that something is impossible for you as well. If you ask someone who didn't achieve certain thing if it's possible to do this, they will probably say it's impossible and you should rather quit - just because they didn't achieve that thing themselves.