Hey there my steemian peepz!
Hope you’re all having a great festive time so far with family and friends as well as generally making the most of this holiday season. I know I certainly am. In fact, I’ve just got back from a dinner party where my wife and I had a very memorable evening. Yes, the drink flowed and the food chowed down. Though when all the hurried gobbling had subsided, conversation soon took over and one of the subjects that cropped up was none other than… Crypto!
Yes, for the first time ever at a Christmas gathering, the topic of digital currency played a part. And who were the central focus of this engaged and brief natter? Why, yours truly, of course. And his most esteemed lady. For not too long ago, this was all we would bang on about.
Stuff like, “Have you ever heard of this platform called Steemit? It’s incredible!” or ”The price of Bitcoin and Ethereum keeps on pushing higher. You have to get into this game!”
Now, as I’m sure many of you can relate, in the past they would hear the dreaded mentioned of “crypto” from us and automatically close off all audible channels to their brain containing the words, “Bitcoin, Ethereum or Steemit”. It was like pure kryptonite and the euphoria of our life-changing new discovery soon wore off. We decided to keep it to ourselves and embark on this epic journey as a couple as opposed to a group.
So, how the tables have turned! One guy started off proceeding by dropping the hammer early on. He opted for the casual approach. This is a play-by-play of how things went down.

”Hey guys. Been hearing a lot more about your crypto currencies.” (Yeah, sure. Like we own the damn things.)
”Are you still active in the game?” (a.k.a. Give me as much information as you can, guys… Right now!)
After some rapid thinking, I responded by saying, ”Oh yeah, crypto. It’s been a while since we’ve heard that term.” (Yeah, right… Like when I checked my phone for the latest market rates just before ringing the doorbell to attend this party.)”
”We invested a little at the beginning and now simply playing the waiting game for however long it takes.” (In other words, Google is a great source of information for those that can be bothered to use it for that purpose.)
At this point, I could see my wife smiling out of the corner of my eye. That was fine but I didn’t want this guy to start reading between the lines.
He looked at me with a smug grin before blurting out, ”Well, if you got any tips to offer your good old pal then I’d be more than happy to listen. Catch my drift? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink?” (Yeah, I catch your drift already… Except the only drifting will be us backing away in the other direction.)
”Sure. I tell you what. I’ll mull over that thought for the time being and get back to you a little later tonight. That OK?” (I was hoping this tactic was good enough for the time being that he might forget about it by then and stop attempting to pry my mind open like a tin of sardines.)
He nodded back in a kind of half-tipsy stupor as we did in fact make that swift exit.
You see, that is the way things are now. People who decided to partake in cryptocurrency a few years back aren’t suddenly doctorates in giving expert financial advice. Nobody told us how this “game” works. We had to fight and claw our way out armed with nothing else but Google and a modicum of common sense. But most of the time when confronted by those who want in at this stage, we just don’t know what to say anymore. I guess all those scornful glances and expressions of mockery finally pushed us over the edge, so to speak.
So, at the end of the evening, our friend did indeed forget about our little “crypto” related banter and will most likely go back to the same routine of daily life until some other unforeseen spark triggers him to seek us out for more info on this most elusive of subject matters. But for now, we’re done. It’s too vast an area to casually discuss over the phone and at some dinner party.
If only those same individuals had taken the plunge as we did and attempted to discover something new and transformative for their lives, things may have worked out very different.
No… As far as we are concerned, "crypto-chatter" is at a dead-end moot point. Maybe things will change in the future, but not until we are certain that the individuals probing us with questions do indeed have some wanton belief or trust in the technology itself.
We shall see…
A very merry Xmas to all my fellow steemians who “DID” take the plunge and are now enjoying or have enjoyed the same journey as we have…
Bless you all… :)

Coming from a Christmas gathering last night, I went through the same thing with multiple people. Back then, I used crypto talk as sort of a bedtime story for people like my dad, but now whenever they remember that I knew about it, it's like they were suddenly shot with adrenaline.
I was prepared though. I devised a simple to understand explanation of how blockchains work, but they really didn't care all that much about the technology behind it. All they cared about was how to trade, when to trade and what to trade. All they knew was the buzz coins BTC, ETH and LTC.
A part of me was annoyed, but a part of me kept grinning that smug "I told you so" look. I hope you and @rea has a wonderful holiday!
That's the things, bro. We literally used to get laughed in our faces at how ridiculous we were. Almost as if we had joined some weird futuristic cult and were lost in some temporary alternate world! I hate to say it... but how the tables have turned. Don't get me wrong, I wish them the best. But man, if only they would have added a sprinkling of "open-mindedness and foresight" to our mad ravings. Well, there may just have been some truth contained deep within our words. It seems you and I know the feeling only too well...
Merry Xmas, my awesome brother! To you, @randomli and the rest of the family... All my love 'n' blessings! :)
Yea, isn't that annoying when they Don't wish 2 know much about the technology behind it !
It's like Geez, take the time to READ about Blockchain ! Lazy bones
I still get looked at like a crazy person when I talk crypto. I remember when the internet was "just for hackers and people looking at porn". Hoping the narrative will change now hedge funds and Bloomberg are covering.
Merry Xmas to you and @rea
Totally, bro. The funniest line was "Bitcoin is used for buying and selling weapons and drugs!!!"... Yeah, and what means of transacting medium were they using before the accursed Bitcoin??? Lol... But I agree with you. Peepz are waking up and 2018 should prove a pivotal year for cryptos in general...
Merry Xmas to you, @opheliafu and sweet daughter. All the best, my bro! :)
I enjoyed your story very much. I think Mark and I had the same experience at our dinner party yesterday evening. Even his father and his brother think crypto is just a big bubble. We love our family, but it is strange they still think it's nothing.
Have a nice time, and enjoy the company of Mark and Bianca in January!
Hey there, @clio! Thank you for your kind words. Yes, many people are struggling to grasp the topic of "crypto" now, but the way I see it, it's better to be asking questions than to dismiss it altogether. These are the first signs of "future acceptance"!!!
All my love to you and family. So looking forward to seeing them both in a little over a week. We will have lots of fun, I'm sure.
Merry Xmas!!! :)
Hello @ezzy! My good steemian friend, hope you are well! Love your anecdote and interesting to see how crypto has affected your personal life too. I still have a lot to learn but like to think I am open minded to everything I hear. This is a great journey we are all on.
Best regards to you, @ezzy. Have a merry Xmas from me to you!
Hey there, @myb! Thanks for stopping over at my blog! Yeah, I was just putting things across from my perspective. Don't it didn't come across too harsh. But I suppose many must be able to relate to people we know who used to laugh at us for believing in this "magic" money, lol...
All the best to you , man. A very merry Xmas to you. :)
Now this a funny story!! I kinda feel sorry about your friend though, but unlike him, many others in his shoes like me didn't know shit about cryptocurrency when it first started almost a decade ago....well you can blame it on lack of information. I'm from Nigeria. But now, with more access to the internet, it's a whole different game now
Lol, please don't think we are "crypto snobs" or anything. We are more than happy to lend a guiding hand into the world of crypto to anyone who "really" wants to learn about it. Not just treat it like some sort of speculative investment. And this select "few" friends we knew who were "oh-so-quick" to dismiss us when we were just starting out are now finding themselves in the same boat. If we had adopted the same approach then we would also be none the wiser too. A little open-mindedness can go a long way...
Thanks for stopping by, buddy. A merry Xmas to you. :)
Oh! I totally understand. And merry Christmas to you too
I loved your post the conservation was very entertaining as I read it, sound like you had a great Christina with family friend and good and a good humorous chat lol merry Christmas!!🎄🎄
Thanks, buddy! It was all played out in humerus jest. No bad vibes afterwards...
Wishing you a merry Xmas. Have a good one. :)
Merry Christmas to you! I just now am getting into crypto and I'm confused Haha, learning more each day. Nice post by the way I look forward to more. Maybe i can learn something! Have a great day!
Merry Xmas, buddy. As long as you have a willingness to "want" to learn more (like I did), we would all love to help out. It's a vast information space but one that could be life-changing for you given half a chance. :)
Thank you! It is very fascinating yet a lot to learn and take in, (for me anyway) but i will keep steemin on!
Hahahahaha... "Crypto Carol" :D What a funny header.
To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!
Ha -- Your retort to yr friend, "In other words, Google is a great source of information for those that can be bothered to use it for that purpose." IS TOO FUNNY !
Guess it's hard to ENDURE those Johnnie-come-lately's eh?!!
Thanks for the Ho-ho-ho post.