Steem Price is Going Down... And it's OK to be Pissed

in #steem6 years ago

Steem Down.jpg

So, the price of Steem. Yes, it’s going down. In fact, in the last 24 hours alone, quite substantially so. A similar story across the board. Annoying, right? I mean, all these YouTubers droning on about charts this and market turnaround cycles that. Pretty soon, it all turns into one convoluted mess of illogical “mind noise”. The last thing you want to listen. In a spiralling paradox of doom and gloom in the digital market place, what is the best advice that can be offered up? Be pissed and let your natural emotional state run free, I say.

Suppression of one’s feelings is the worst thing you can do. Certainly in times of despair and turmoil. Why harbour this unchanneled rage at an irrational market place? I personally like to play high-intensity sports or just jump on the old exercise bike. Either option works for me and that’s all that matters.

You see, we’ve all seen these market conditions before. Our precious portfolios eroding faster than you can blink before our very eyes. All that co-ordinated planning and focused “hodling”, quickly going down the shit tubes. But if you believe in “cyclical repeating pattern of nature”, you can also be damn sure that this is but another age old stumbling block on the cobbled road to ultimate success in this space.

I know full well the feeling of “sitting” on your hands whilst the markets have their wicked way with you. But as long as you keep your focus on the end-game and “not” the inconsequential here and now, things will eventually reverse from where they are. The main reason I’m writing a post covering this particular subject, is because I want to stress that losing sight of your chosen path is oh-so-goddamn easy, especially when dealing with cryptos. I know from a multitude of regrettable experiences in the past

People running for the hills? May as well join them. Users powering down? Might as well start too before the price goes to zero. I mean, we’ve been here so many times before. I reckon if anything, you should be looking to top up your existing portfolio, at the very least. Remember how fast the crazy rise came for Steem out of the blue, just a few months back? It stayed under a dollar for God knows how long, before turning tail and never looking back. You honestly think that won’t happen again? Coz I promise you, it will. You just gotta look at the clear developmental side of things, new projects on the horizon and ones being currently implemented. I won’t insult your intelligence by pointing them out, but you can hopefully see the lines of rapid progression in regards to this blockchain.

It’s a thriving eco-system, waiting to be unleashed to the masses. No matter how great EOS will be, don’t think for one moment that it’ll be the “harbinger” of Steem’s demise, which a few predict. More realistically, and over a longer period of time, the two system will simply co-exist. Even though I do support EOS, I love the way some people are already singing it’s praises without the coin even being released yet. Such is the human animal I suppose, lol.

So, yes, my Steemian friends. Hold tight and push as hard as you can to either earn or buy your way to more cryptos whilst the prices are still low. For at any moment, this bitch could blast through the heavens. And they’ll be no going back then…


Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


It's off the low. Maybe it will start going up again now.

Lol, I know! We need to break a little more confirmation before a reversal is on the cards but it's looking great! 😊

Did you buy any more?
You don't upvote yourself? I'd upvote your reply but there is a 02 payout threshold.

Didn't buy anymore, buddy. I'll keep on trying to earn for now. Hope you maximize on your Steem journey. :)

Oh man I feel blessed for the day after reading your post, I wish I could open my chat I did with my friends today here, because you hit the same point of my discussion today.
I alway see the red market as an opportunity for me to invest more, but many don't know these, all they do is panic, forgetting crypto is for long term game.

Only those that see the red market as a reason why they hold and invest more will sure smile at the next good green market

I the market is red every were, it's never a good time to sell off, but to hold and invest more.

Same thing goes to steemit the price of steem is down, but people put blind eye on steem been earn on reward payout do increase than wen the price is high. To me I see the the fallen price as a good time to earn more SP and to buy more, because I see in next 3 years, steem will b one if the top trending coins and much hands will not be able to hold.

Thanks so much @ezzy for sharing

I've trained myself to simply not follow the markets at all during red phases. All that does is pressure oneself to make irrational choices.

Crypto has been going up and down since its advent, there's never a reason to expect a particular low to be the death blow.

Have sex with your girlfriend. Go fishing, or something.

Or spend some quality time with your mother in law. That'll be so painful, the pain of a crypto downtrend isn't all that bad anymore.

Lol, well put, man! I guess yourself and I have learned to navigate that "off" switch and stay calm when many others run around screaming blond panic. A little patience and logical reflective thought are all that's needed really. However, the sheep will continue to follow... :)

Lets hope for a new ralley to the moon soon and just Steem On Bro! 👊

Seconded, buddy. :)

Yeah the price of steem and other crypto currencies might be down for now but I certainly know for sure that the price will rebounce back . And as an investor i Believe this is also the right time to buy more valuable coins and also to power up steem, for the long term @ezzy

Buy on the way down, bud. Gradually adding to your portfolio is the way to go.

You are right about this, steem price is getting down gradually, I can see that, but is good like that because people won't be able to withdraw money but rather power up. A lot of people will also want to invest.

Powering up is the best option, man. :)

Absolutely sir together with investment.

I reckon if anything, you should be looking to top up your existing portfolio, at the very least.

That’s what I was actualy doing in the past few days. EOS day is June the 1st! I’m pretty sure you already registered your ether wallet. I’ve also read from Binance on Twitter they are taking care of it for all their customers.
Look at the dot com bubble and where we are now. Before 1999 every single stock involved in dot com skyrocketed. In 1999 everyone thought “it was over”. Look where it’s now. Can you imagine our life without internet? People who used common sense in 1999 crash are now millionaires or at least made nice profits.

Couldn't agree more, my friend. It's those who were prudent and calm that profited the most. Hope you will be one of those? :)

I mean, we’ve been here so many times before. I reckon if anything, you should be looking to top up your existing portfolio, at the very least

This here brother is the truth, all i see happening right now is an opportunity for people to make millions, this dip i call the mercy dip, steem right now is cheap for investment because it will definitely rise again, this is the game of steem, that is why steem winners keep winning

Hodl and get more

Exactly! This is a time like no other in our history. Making the most of it now, only makes sense.

I can see that this project should not be described as one that helps a larger community; but if we focus on the issue of enabling the start of many new SMT initiatives, as distinct from promoting a specific one among them, shouldn't we as Steemians want to promote the project even if it is only we and Steem Inc. who would benefit?

SMT's will change the dynamic of the blockchain so be prepared, bud. :)

Well iam holding my Steempower and not going to powerdown a single steem because it's a normal market crash and for a coin like steem their is no need to worry because it will definitely go up with time ,so it's better to accumulate more steempower in current market conditions because we might not see steem on current price in next year or by the end of this year.

Sound way of thinking, mate. :)

Thank you for this post. A new friend tells me this all the time. I will just wait for it to climb again because it will, as it will go down again, too The only guarantee is that all these cryptos will go up and they will down, as my friend says almost daily

Get it now if you can. Time is short and the turnaround will be fast. :)

Being emotionally attached & affected by an investment is not necessary or ideal. Short term chart reading is bs. Look at the big picture logic behind asset classes & research things that actually affect the global currency wars that are currently happening & may explode soon. Be mentally prepared for cryptos to be manipulated down next to nothing when the next crisis hits. Also be prepared for them to skyrocket, they are untested in a us economic crisis & will be controlled by the big money groups one way or another. Best to be diverse, physical gold is cheap right now & has magnitudes more economic cycles of history to back its value

I'd still stick with cryptos, mate. Given the historical multipliers and future potential. But I also respect other markets too. :)

Be diverse my friend 🙏

Lets hope the bull run comes back.

They will, no doubt about that. :)

Hi, I'm new to this platform. God bless your work and keep growing physically and mentally, I hope you go through my blog and follow me @carlosdap11 I follow you too

The low points I see as a time of investment to earn more in return . HODL , that’s what I’m doing with Steem

I think it will come back.
Just like it did before.
I think it will give us the same unexpected spike,
it could go higher than it has ever gone.
But I do not see it going to zero.
Even if it does, so what.
I honestly feel that one day,
STEEM could be worth $100.

It's not going to zero, lol. Quite the opposite. Your latter prediction seems more realistic. :)

I just may have to pull the trigger to get some more of it :)

thanks @ezzy for sharing this

You won't regret it, mate. It's clear as day to me. :)

Loosing hope on steemit and it's coin is the biggest mistake anybody on steemit
can make, cryoto market has always been like that since inception, this is the best time to invest, even if you don't have the money to invest, you can start investing your sweet so that when that time comes and people are celebrating, you won't just fold your arms an be watching....

I am not moved by the current market, my eyes are fixed on what's next which is going to be a good news for everyone who endure the present.

You're a sound investor through and through, buddy. I see the same goals. :)

Yup, be greedy when others are scared and be scared when others are greedy.

If only everyone could follow this... :)

I wonder how that would work!

but it's not ok to stop steeming because when it comes back up, you'll go "I shouldn't have stop."