Just thought I would add my 2 cents.
I try to do some manual curating now and again but it takes up a lot of time that is not always available.
I have also added a few of the accounts you mentioned because they do talk about topics that interest me (outside of crypto of course)
It is very true that these are people that are doing this on youtube in a successful way and that bringing some of their following to steem might help the transition of new users since they are not just arriving here but following someone.
If they then create their own account and start commenting and even making some cents here and there on the comments it could help them venture out and even write some stuff on their own. And that is indeed what steem needs, the natural growth. The marketing growth is needed but I think it should wait a bit till after SMT and the rest. At that time the platform will be a bit more mature and hopefully ready for it.
I agree completely.. we aren’t ready for mass marketing.. but having these accounts ready to take on the role of ambassadors of Steem to the other platforms when we are ready would be huge.. plus as you say, the natural growth from their followers is beneficial as well. It gives those new users an immediate community and therefore will help with user retention. Plus, who doesn’t want to support great content right?