I really do not want to go into the full economics of all the options of changing the inflation simply because it is pretty hard to predict what would happen. It could attract investors but if the community disappears due to that then that is another matter.
I wrote something about the marketing aspects that might be relevant and do agree with what you are saying
we need to get investors on board
The message out has to be clear and has to be tailored to the audience that you aim to bring on board.
The new steemit inc appointment is a step in the right direction and all the initiatives to get some community built marketing is also very promising.
But there are some really valid points made here as well. Will this all be useful when a lot of the most promising things like communities and especially SMTs are not ready yet? Will a lot of the users just not leave like they did before? If we want investors to put their money on the line than we need to give them something more than what is there now.
We are on the right way but pushing for investments now is a bit doubtful, wait a few months till the SMTs are out or closer