I don't think this is a fair post. Yes, communication is important - but there are even greater priorities sometimes, specially in a despairing technical situation. Their staff is much smaller now, emphasizing this.
I don't think this is a fair post. Yes, communication is important - but there are even greater priorities sometimes, specially in a despairing technical situation. Their staff is much smaller now, emphasizing this.
well i just got home from 14 hours of work, and in 6 hours i am going to work again, and mind that i invested only 120$ in steem and a year of my time. And now i am waiting to transfer data and writing this comment. How much time do you need to write "hi, i am alive, we are currently doing this and this, and this is how that is going."? he could have written it while having lunch.
I personally try to never be late 5 minutes if we agreed it is 12:00 and i came 12:15 i am not respecting your time. To let all that people wait for the live stream is disrespectful.
I was only talking about point 2, general communication, not point 1, showing up. I'm 100% with you on that.
I disagree with you on this one. Without communication you are going nowhere. Lots of people are doing great work right now but if steem inc, the largest developer and stakeholder are working a different path then it all might be in vain. If they are pulling back, fine but people need to know so that they can plan accordingly.
It doesn't have to extensive but we do need to know what is happening right now and a rough road map for the next few months so that people can plan accordingly and make plans that complement the work rather than slowing each other down. They are the largest stakeholder on the blockchain and so they should be using it to progress the chain and add value. Without communication this will be less productive.
It doesn't even take long. 30 minutes in a week for somebody to write a quick post and just let people know what is happening would suffice. We are all trying to work towards a common goal and communication is vital for that.
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you've nailed it @niallon11
But is their team large enough to deal with PR right now? They have a deadline before it all goes to hell, you know.
He specifically posted about how selling STEEM isn't making them enough money to sustain development, which is why they're reducing costs and rebuilding the infrastructure in the first place. "Having money" doesn't mean "having enough money".
He also said that there were plenty of reserves and that the selling of STEEM wasn't necessary to keep running the company. All of which is fine and i can totally understand them restructuring and adapting to the bear market. I even think that the bear market has been great for the chain and people who have taken the initiative to be better and do more. It's great to see the reaction we have gotten lately from the community as a whole to build a better chain.
But as the CEO of a company involved in large scale development for the chain it is disappointing to see that they are not trying to let people know what is going on in their world. Especially since their company is directly tied to the value of the STEEM token. It doesn't take a PR team to do ti. Just 15 minutes and a keyboard.
If he types a post in 15 minutes and it ends up looking awful, either because of bad communication or misinterpretable news, it could make things worse instead.
I'm pretty sure ned is not spending his time developing. Now, I'm not telling anybody how they should spend their time, let alone the CEO of Steemit, but as someone who has vested more than enough SP in this platform, which currently has more single point of failures than I'd like, having some kind of communication is important.
Honest question: why do you think so?
My understanding is that Dan was the developer. Ned had the nice hair and was a better face of steem. Could be mistaken about that, however.
As the current CEO, I don't think his only task is doing PR, but I could be wrong. Not being a developer also demands he learns things he's not used to deal with so he can communicate with the team.