in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Steem is a blockchain based on Delegated Proof of Stake. This means that those who invested more have more control over how the network is run and in principle should have greater interest in contributing to the network. This common sense principle should apply network-wide i.e. to all steem blockchain based projects but in my opinion that's not the case, Dtube being notable exception.

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Images were hidden due to low ratings.

Thank STINC for that.
I agree that it's a good initial idea, but greed is hard to overcome.
There are people that create project(s) out of passion, others out of greed and sometimes it turns from passion to greed just from a large delegation aka misterdelegation, which is the case this time I think.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

One minor remark: Dtube does work. Just not for you or me 😛

Nie miałem pojęcia o tym. W takim wypadku ten serwis to jedna wielka porażka.

Pytanie czy nie można jakoś wymusić na Dtube jakichś zasad? Czy są nie do ruszenia? czy tylko kasa kasa kasa? Chyba można czegoś od nich wymagać jako że działają na danym blockchainie. Wiadomo, że my nie mamy takiej siły żeby czegoś od nich chcieć ale no sam nie wiem

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Problemem jest właśnie tak jak wspomniałeś fakt, że Dtube nie jest zdecentralizowane chociaż miało być...
Tak samo z tym "reward pool rape". Są różne zachowania niekorzystne dla systemu jednak większość z nich wnosi coś wartościowego a Dtube nie wnosi nic. Kompletnie nie rozumiem dlaczego jest wspierane :/

I noticed that some videos may or may not work depending on certain conditions, including your browser or a device (e.g. the film I have recently posted works fine on a PC but doesn't on a mobile).

What is wrong with this platform ? Search engine is not working at all, and it's like that for few weeks. Any ideas ?
Thank you.
Zrzut ekranu z 2019-02-22 22-51-58.png

Do you know any other alternative platform to youtube ?
Thank You.
