because I have never had any major influence in the platform
You're not gaining any influence because of the reasons stated in my post. It's not that a few are losing and others are gaining. As more previously unused token comes into play on the reward pool, everyone's influence goes down. Steemit Inc has also worsened this issue by delegating 16M SP via @misterdelegation and new account creation on the blockchain also requires delegation so that adds to the effect. How will new comers make any difference to their content or anyone else's then?
All this with just some 40-50K active accounts. If this goes on, new comers will give out 0 cents instead of 1 cent for months before they can get to two cents. These are some valid concerns unfortunately especially with the market in the dumpster. Whales who want to see things change are themselves delegating to bid bots. It's quite ironic to say the least!