Quick! Steemit Needs Your Help On Twitter

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

No, this is not about the poll!


I made a comment on Twitter and now I need help. Please if you're on Twitter and you don't mind hoping in to explain more.

@hilarski @ned @andrarchy


"virtual money with no physical backing"

Sounds like USD, right? ;-)

O.o That was the first thing I thought of too.
Only sub it government ass wipes for USD

My thoughts exactly! I guess folks still think it's backed by gold or they don't even care to know what money really is!

thisisudo Udo tweeted @ 12 May 2017 - 17:13 UTC

twitter.com/i/web/status/8…@fiAndeyes virtual money with no physical backing, I don't see where the real value is being generated here. Sounds…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Not really an emergency. If he is too thick to understand cryptocurrencies and doesn't understand that fiat money is created out of thin air with nothing to back it, then it is his problem. People like that will come round when it is too late for them - sad but we should not stress ourselves out over that.

Yeah but I was more worried about the other folks that will get to see the thread. If there are enough counter arguments, it would make things balanced and at least everyone can then decide on their own.

Thanks for saying something tho. 😊

People are generally not that suggestible but that fellow showed himself to be ignorant because the very expression he was using was a perfect description of fiat money. Unless he has some alternative way of paying for things it is rank hypocrisy - funny thing is he probably doesn't even realise that there is nothing behind fiat. Most people live in ignorance of such things.

funny thing is he probably doesn't even realise that there is nothing behind fiat. Most people live in ignorance of such things.

BOOM! Sums it all up IMO.

I'm not on Twitter, so sorry. I think the best way to explain it is within the context of global markets. Cryptocurrency has all sorts of uses, because international trade and rapid market transactions require more fluid currency flow. It may seem like banks can handle it, but cryptocurency is a much more convenient option. There are also new "assets" being valued with technological innovation that challenge traditional methods of estimating dollar value. Cryptocurencies are here to stay.

Yeah but his problem seems to stem from the fact that he doesn't see any "real value" in a bunch of people clicking a button and money magically appearing.

People need to understand that money is what we agree money should be.

He should go to a mortgage company sometime and watch them write loan papers. That's actually how most money is "created out of thin air." They just write a loan and numbers magically appear on computer screens in accounts. It's mind boggling. :0

Ah! Yes it is! 😀

I followed. I'm just learning about Steemit. I don't know how to vote yet, or anything, but I like your passion. Hopefully I will get the hang of this soon.

This is a great opportunity for steemit. I cast my vote for steemit, and upvoted and followed you as well. Thanks.