I'm in the niche of weight loss and health and stumbled in here during the great flood of jerrybanfield in June 2017. At that time, he was pushing the idea of being rewarded for your content while gaining an audience due to steemit's incredible alexa ranking. I have received excellent rewards (comparitive to other places I post) and I have lots of ranking posts now, so that has been a win.
The cost has been a a huge investment of time and effort in "learning steemit." After about 10 years in this game, I can safely say this is the most complicated place I have ever posted - by a far, far margin. All the people I have brought in - about 20 content creators - gave up very quickly and think I'm crazy to be here.
I stay out of all the nonsense at the top end here and rarely follow anything about the future of steemit. But regardless of all the schemes going on. The fact is the we have less than 10K of "people who matter" on this platform.
The minnow kill rate of 95%+ is atrocious. I'm not sure if anything can fix this place when the masses are unable to participate. Every time I see a comparison to the early days of reddit and fb, I do not think it is valid. Those places welcome new users. We kill them when they enter through the door.
I watch this chart by @arcange and it is not a pretty sight. Most of the numbers decrease each time I look. One of them is growing quickly, and I'm sure you can guess which one it is.
Are we looking at the same charts? When I compare an @arcange graphic to one from several weeks before it, yeah, the dead fish numbers have gone up. But so have the red fish, minnows, and dolphins.
That chart I posted is from May 7. This one is from 2 days ago, and yes, I do see some increase in some areas - nothing to brag about imo. But redfish (the one I really look at) was close to 170K in January and we only have vibrant growth in one category.
To be fair, a vast majority of Facebook/Reddit/Twitter users are mostly inactive as well.
I am pretty sure they each have more than 10K in active users but maybe not. I'm following some people who are trying to work out global population figures and it turns out - most of us are non-existent.