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RE: Steemit Is The Future Of Work

in #steem7 years ago

This is so true, blockchain and other disruptive technologies will have such an impact on the world that our way of thinking about economics is going to change fundamentally. We'll have to experiment and see what works. Some of these experiments will become huge and successfull parts of our daily lives (like blogging for crypto) and others will be replaced by better alternatives.

One thing is certain, dinosaurs go extinct. Don't be like a dinosaur.


Wait until people start learning about DAOs....that will really freak them out.

A company with no people at all?

I can hear the screams of the terminator scenario.

Well, companies without idiotic management teams(who will probably always make decisions for short term profits), but instead just acting out a pre-set long term sustainable goal seems like heaven to me.

Let the ignorant rant and scream, I'm looking forward to a bright future.

I agree with you@fitzgibbon.

One of these days I am going to write how humans simply cannot handle having power and that it needs to hand control off to something that can. We are not intelligent beings but emotional ones. We hold onto beliefs, ideas, and ideologies which stir emotion of which we base decisions upon.

That is why humans make so many poor business and in person lives.