To be entirely honest, and I may get bashed for this by many because it may hurt their belief but let’s do this.
$TEEM is fairly valued right now. Looking at the actual numbers we know, including growth potential, known encountered struggles... the actual marketcap is more than fair FOR a platform which is a total new world (crypto) and a one company having mostly led it until now. With its known struggles too.
Steem is in evolution merely past A-round. That’s a solid “market valuation” at current market.
That’s a more than often not achieved valuation at this point.
I'd agree. It's just a few thousand active users, but there's potential. The dapps are taking off and bringing in more people, even if some only play Steem Monsters and Magic Dice. Not everyone is into the social stuff. I would have hoped we would be further on by now, but there's still nothing I've seen that really compares. The risk is that something will come along and grab the limelight. Despite its merits Steem is still underground really. Maybe this will be the year it starts to really take off.
With the promised rocksDB HF the current price will be more than enough to keep the network's lights on until Bitcoin raises all boats. My estimated bottom is 6500 btc satoshi. A hunch only, not meant as financial advice. Even steem's current trading made my buy to Dolphin level a couple of months ago, at 8275 btc satoshi, slightly premature. 😎
Premature Steemulation :)
LOL!!! Exactly!!! 😆
I agree, I don't complain about price and comparing it to insane bullruns due to BTC is a little silly in my opinion. Price is meaningless in crypto at the moment, it is the projects that are important.
afaik, I don't think there are many traditional startups that have paid out so much to investors with largely zero upfront over three years, *especially in the first year.
Zero in, millions out....