
alll dayyy allll dayyymmmmm dayyy hehe

@freebornangel hmmm yet inside it is a windstorm. hehe!! :)

The desire to bring peace to the world does keep me busy.

How are you liking all that sp power?
It would have to come when the price dropped.

i'm now officially working for a Native American Reservation, bringing my education and experience to the judicial realm. it is a place i find peace and solace.@freebornangel yes bringing peace is a F/T job. LOL!

how do YOU know about my SP powahh? ahahahahh
what price drop? the price of steem/sbd is LAMEEEEEE


Good job!I saw you get selected by @whatsup.

I hope you remember that its the systems fault that desperate people do desparate things.
A little more love and a little less greed in the world would reduce the number of cases on your workload.

yes i totally agree about desparate and what ppl will do ... it will get much worse than better.
we shall see how it pans out! :)

@freebornangel Thanksss!! I didn't see you comment. hehe :p

Yeah, my feed has been hinkey, too.

@freebornangel yeah it sucks and my votes arent working and i can't get to posts from steemworld. oh the whoas of steemit.