We would be just under two years into that growth if stinc, et al, hadnt given us this crap by hardforking out the n2 and the whale xperiment.
So what if the investors dumped, the coin was at a dime anyway.
So what if they dump now, they are killing the network effect with their greed.
~980k people have said we are a failure, and left.
Cheap steem would bring in more $100 investors.
1m $100 investors does more for steem than 100 $1m investors, if we want to be a currency.
Bring back the n2 and the whale experiment.
@dan made those the rules because they had already been down this road and knew it wouldnt work.
Or we can wait for some more pie in the sky while rewards go to folks that havent earned them each and every day.
The no whale experiment was run my Smooth, nothing stops you from running that same experiment, apart from a few million SP.
Yes, i was here. I saw my vote go from rounding down to .06sbd.
I saw how excited that made everybody.
Too bad stinc, et al, hurried up and forked to stop it.
We might have become worthwhile for the newbs to stick around. Ran @dan off, too. Vote selling was the plan and he was against that.
Well, that and it makes less sense under linear rewards.
If we are trying to become adopted as a currency the network effect of giving coins to an abusive few makes less sense than exciting a feeding frenzy by making the math attractive to $100 investors.
As it is now 1m users have said we are a game not worth playing, but the same exclusive group is happy accumulating more making the disparity even worse.
Instead of acting in a manner conducive to diminishing the negative aspects of the disparity we have increased it.
I guess that is how stinc, et al, wants to be known.
Not interested in broader adoption.
Seems to be working for them so far, at least they have done nothing to fix their mistakes.
I don't have time to fight your nonlinear rewards scam all over the platform but please don't direct it at me.
Says the guy that never experienced them.
There is a reason that stinc enabled the whales to keep abusing the pool.
Its too bad that you are a beneficiary of that abuse, or maybe you would see things differently.
If proof of stake is a good plan, how is nonlinear rewards anything different?
The problem was in the imbalance that the whale experiment solved.
But you wouldnt know that, and apparantly sticking your fingers in your ears is your solution.
Ok, by me.